
第2章 France Overview(2)

The National Assembly (Assemblée Nationale) is the principal principal n.负责人,首长,校长,主犯,本令 adj.主要的,首要的 legislative body. Its deputies are directly elected to 5year terms,and all seats are voted on in each election. The Assembly has the power to dismiss the cabinet,and thus the majority in the Assembly determines the choice of government. Senators are chosen by an electoral college for 6year terms,and one half of the Senate is renewed every 3 years (starting 2007). The Senate,s legislative powers are limited;the National Assembly has the last word in the event of a disagreement between the two houses,except for constitutional laws (amendments to the constitution & “lois organiques”). The government has a strong influence in shaping the agenda of Parliament.

French politics,for the past 30 years,have been characterised by the opposition of two political groups: one leftwing,centred around the French Socialist Party,and one rightwing,centred around the Rassemblement pour la République (RPR),then its successor the Union pour un Mouvement Populaire (UMP). The Front National nationalist / hard right party,seizing on voters,growing concerns of their country,s perceived decline decline vi.下倾,下降,下垂 v.拒绝,衰落 n.下倾,下降,下垂,斜面,斜坡,衰败,衰落,as well as “national dissolution” brought about by immigration and globalisation,and advocating tougher lawandorder and immigration policies,has made inroads since the early 1980s,but has lately remained stable at around 16% of the votes.

France Sightseeing

When you are travelling in Europe,please do remember that France is always waiting for you.

France is a land of excitement,bursting with colour,friendly people and fabulousfabulous adj.寓言中的,寓言般的,神话般的,传统上的,惊人的,难以置信的 things to see and do. The following are some of the most complete resources and information about the country on the World Wide Web.

France,is the third largest country in Europe,after Russia and the Ukraine,and the fourth most populous. The French Republic includes ten overseas possessions,most of them remnants of France,s former colonial empire,Reunion and the Seychelles in the Indian Ocean being two examples.

Paris is the capital and largest city in the country. Threequarters of the population lives in cities,including more than ten million people in the metropolitanmetropolitan adj.首都的,主要都市的,大城市 area of Paris,the most densely populated region in the country. Most citizens speak French the principal language and the dominant religion is Roman Catholicism.

The economy of France is large,diverse,and one of the most highly developed in the European Union (EU). It is a leading manufacturing nation,producing goods such as automobiles,electrical equipment,machine tools,and chemicals. It is the EU,s most important agricultural nation;shipping cerealscereal n.谷类食品,谷类,wine,cheese,and other agricultural products to the rest of Europe and the world.

France is one of the oldest states in the Western world and its history is rich and varied. Little is known of France,s earliest inhabitants. Cave paintings in southwestern France dated to about 15,000 B.C. reveal the existence of a sophisticated and creative people. By the 8th century B.C. hordes of Celts,among other tribes,began entering and settling in France. A Celtic word,Gaul,was a name used in antiquityantiquity n.古代,古老,古代的遗物 for the region of France. The Romans incorporated France in the 1st century B.C. and ruled the region until the Roman Empire collapsed in the 5th century A.D.

Fascinating,romantic and vibrant,it is a wonderful country to visit. The infrastructure is excellent,the hotels and resorts of world standards and there,s simply tons to see and do. No matter where you choose to spend your holiday or hold your business function/s;you,ll be charmed by the place.

France;the name conjures up images of romance,glamour,style,the Eiffel Tower and an endless list of exciting things to see,do and discover. Whether it,s a week in Cannes,a fortnight in Nice or a day in the French Alps,France is just waiting to be experienced.

Synonymous with style,France is sophisticated and exciting. From Paris to the breathtakingbreathtaking adj.惊人的,惊险的 Loire Valley castles and the glittering Cote d,Azur with its air of faded grandeur and romance,it is not hard to see why the country has enchanted generations of visitors.

Home to 58.3 million people,it is the largest country in Western Europe and stretches from the rolling plains of the north to the jagged ridges of the Pvrenees in the south and from the wild Brittany coast to the clear lakes and snowy heights of the Alps.

No trip to France would be complete without sampling its worldfamous cuisine and wines. French gastronomic delights are far too many to mention,but a few not to miss include foie gras (duck liver pate),truffles,snails,Roquefort cheese and outstanding patisseries (bakeries).

The country,s wines are simply wonderful. Interestingly,some lesserknown but highly popular French drinks include Calvados (apple brandy from Normandy) and Pastisan aniseed flavoured liqueur. Both well worth sampling.

Let France assault your senses. Discover the café culture,experience the celebrated Cannes film festival or take a wander around the formidable fortressmonastery of Mont Saint Michel. Walk the windswept beaches of Normandy;(contemplate the DDay landings),take in the style and glamourglamour n.[亦作glamor] 魔力,魅力 v.迷惑 of Paris,admire the icy heights of,and immerse yourself in the country,s culture. Other highlights are the Louvre,one of Europe,s finest art galleries;home to Leonardo da Vinci,s Mona Lisa,the Moulin Rouge and boat toura along the Seine.

No matter what your fancy,France will more than cater to your needs. Some hotels are quaint,with a true homely feel,others plush and pampering in their 5 star calibres. Wherever you choose to stay,whatever sights you wish to see,sports you want to experience,shopping you require;fashions you desire,France has it all.