
第5章 城市导航Cityscapes(3)

Although in many respects Marseille is big and sprawling,dirty and slumlike in many places,there,s much elegance and charm here as well. The Vieux Port,the old harbor,is especially colorful,compensatingcompensating 补偿,补助;修正 to an extent for the dreary industrial dockland nearby. Marseille has always symbolized danger and intrigue,and that reputation is somewhat justified. However,the city is experiencing somewhat of a renaissancerenaissance n.复兴,复活,新生,文艺复兴,文艺复兴时期,and because it is now so easily reached by train from Paris,there is much hope for its future economy. Since the 1970s,a great deal of that economy has revolved around thousands upon thousands of North and subSaharan Africans who have poured into Marseille,creating a lively medley of races and creeds. One quarter of the present population of Marseille is of North African descent. These Africans have flocked here to find a better life than what they had in their own shattered lands.

Marseille today actually occupies twice the amount of land space as Paris,and its ageold problems remain,including a declining drug industry,smugglingsmuggling v.走私,corruption (often at the highest levels),the Mafia,and racial tension. Unemployment,as always,is on the rise. But in spite of all these difficulties,it,s a bustling,always fascinating city unlike any other in France. A city official proclaimed recently that “Marseille is the unbeloved child of France. It,s attached to France,but has the collective consciousness of an Italian citystate,like Genoa or Venice.”

Marseille is a good choice for a visit in this country. If you are a newcomer to the area or haven,t visited for a while,the information provided on this and related pages will prove invaluableinvaluable adj.无价的,价值无法衡量的 in assisting you to make your holiday or business venture here,as simple as a stroll down your local street back home.

The oldest city in the country,Marseille is its premier port. A popular seaside destination,the area has far more to offer than water related activities.

The city is a showpiece,rising above a picture perfect seaport framed by enormous neoByzantine churches and the winding alleywaysalleyway n.小巷,窄街,(船上的)通道 of the old town reveal ancient buildings,simply begging your discovery.

Whether visiting on business or travelling around the country with your family,there,s ton,s to see and do here. Museums,galleries,theatres,monuments (such as Pharos Palace),various forts,the St Victors Abbey as well as the Panier district where the ancient Phocaeans first settled,are worth experiencing.

Marseille,is often thought of as a series of small neighbourhoods,each with its own unique history and traditions. Some are renowned for their beaches (La Vielle Chapelle),some for the famous artists who were inspired there (L,Estaque for Cezanne and Braque) and still others for their charming harbours (La Vallon des Auffes,La Pointe Rouge,Le Vieux Port). Visit the NotreDamedelaGarde Cathedral,the Museum of the Roman Docks,the town hall,Chateau d,If (mentioned in The Count of Monte Cristo) and much more.

The Vieux Port,the old harbour,is especially colourful,in contrast to the somewhat dreary industrial dockland nearby. It is also the destination of many north and subSaharan Africans,who,along with the Italians,French,Lebanese and Armenians,create a lively mix of races that make up much of the local populace in the area.

Marseille today occupies twice the amount of land space as Paris. In spite of the difficulties inevitablyinevitably adv.不可避免 associated with life in a large city,it is bustling,always fascinating,and unlike any other in France.

Known for its beaches,(it has 35 miles of gorgeous coastline) and for its superb bouillabaisse (which all visitors should sample) it is now emerging as a dynamic creative centre for musicians,filmmakers,theatre directors and fashion and furniture designers.

Nice Overview








Nice,the fifth largest city in France,acts as a magnet attracting people from all over the world,for a multitudemultitude n.多数,群众 of reasons. Not only renowned for its grace,Nice has become a hub for research in industry,science and advanced technology since the creation of such centers as Acropolis and Sophia Antipolis. The Palais de Congrès,a convention center,can accomodate diverse functions and the international airport has a capacity that only Paris can better.

Both elegant and simple,Nice,s charm comes from its exceptional climate as well as its beauty. Even in the winter the café terraces are filled with people happily drinking and contemplating the ultra famous Promenade des Anglais. Always in flower this wonderful walk follows along the bay,looking out onto the Baie des Anges and the beaches on one side,and on the other such luxury hotels as the Negresco.