
第4章 城市导航City Guide(2)

Rome was built on seven hills Capitolino (commonly known as Campidoglio), Palatino, Esquilino, Viminale, Celio, Quirinale, and Aventino. Two of these historic hills, formed the hub of ancient Rome, the centre of the civilized world (thus the true meaning of the words “All roads lead to Rome”).

This is one city that will glut your senses. Be it the architecture, the food, the timelessness of the place, its monuments or the people. Simply put, Rome, as it has always been, is a monument to time, to history and to eternity.

If you only have time to visit one city in Italy, Rome is certainly a good choice. Come and discover it further via these pages before you go and be charmed by the place.








巡礼米兰最好的出发点便是大教堂(Duomo,1386~1813),这座哥特式主教堂是欧洲第三大教堂,内部有135座尖塔和由各个时代收集来超过2 245座大理石雕像。4公尺高的镀金《圣母像》用以装饰教堂最高的尖塔。大教堂的屋顶展现了米兰人戏谑的一面。这个没有屋顶的洞穴别有一番洞天。装饰的尖塔如石笋般矗立着,而雕刻的玫瑰花形饰物如珠宝般散布在地板上。


由大教堂下来便来到米兰的中心大教堂广场。其一端的大型骑马者是意大利第一位国王维克手托·伊曼纽尔二世(Victor Emmanuel II)的雕像。广场两侧林立的柱廊就是世界上最古老和优雅的商店街,维克托伊曼纽尔走廊(Galleeria Vittorio Emenuele)。 走廊另一头是着名的斯卡拉歌剧院(La Scala opera house)所在地的斯卡拉广场(Piazza dell Scala)。


Milan (Italian: Milano; Milanese dialect: Milán) is the main city in northern Italy, and is located in the plains of LombardyLombardy n.意大利北部州名, the most populated and developed Italian region. The city proper has about 1.3 million inhabitants (2004), but counts more than 4.5 million when including the surrounding conurbation. The metropolitan area of Milan contains around 6.5 million people. Milan is the capital of Lombardy and the financial capital of Italy,though supersededsupersede vt.代替, 取代, 接替, 紧接着……而到来, [律]延期 vi.推迟行动 by Rome for share of national GDP at the municipal level (6.5% for Rome vs. 4.8% for Milan), and is at roughly at the same level at the provincial metropolitan level (104 billion vs. 126 billion).

Milan,s name has for many centuries been recorded as Mailand, which is still the German name of the city today. It comes from the Celtic Midlan (meaning “in the middle of the plain”) and was known as Mediolanum by the Romans.

Its province lies in the western part of Lombardy; it covers an area of 1,982 km2 and has a population of 3,707,210 (2001 census); in 1991, the population was 3,738,685. The province comprises 188 communescommune n.公社 vi.密切联系, 谈心, ranging in population (2001) from Milan Municipality (1,256,211) to Nosate (638); the city of Milan has lost 113,084 inhabitants (8.3 percent), from 1991 to 2001. The current mayor of Milan is Gabriele Albertini.

The town is famous for fashion firms and shops (via Montenapoleone) and the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele on the Piazza Duomo, reputed to be the world,s oldest shopping mall. Milan is one of the world capitals of fashion, like New York City, Paris, London and Rome. Another famed product of the city is the traditional Christmas sweet cake called Panettone.

Once a capital of the Roman Empire, Milan today is the commercialcommercial adj.商业的, 贸易的 and financial center of contemporary Italy. In the Piazza Duomo, the heart of Milan, the architecture of past centuries blends with the neon lights of a modern metropolis. Here Leonardo da Vinci painted “The Last Supper”, and Verdi and Puccini composed music that is still performed at Milan,s opera house, La Scala.

Milan is now a center for business, the fashion industry, and domestic and industrial design. As the only American program in Milan, IES offers students the opportunityopportunity n.机会, 时机 to integrate fully into the life of this modern Italian city through living, studying, and interacting daily with the local population and university students. Milan,s central location provides students easy access to all major Italian as well as European cities.

Milan is a good choice for a visit in this country. If you are a newcomer to the area or haven,t visited for a while, the information provided on this and related pages will prove invaluable in assisting you to make your holiday or business venture here, as simple as a stroll down your local street back home.

Milan is a city of materialismmaterialism n.唯物主义 and modernisation. It is the country,s economic engine room, home to Italy,s stock market and business centres. It is here that you,ll find your true Italian shopping paradiseparadise n.天堂, but not the true Italy. For this you need to venture to the likes of Venice or Rome.

This is a modern 21st century hub, where nightlife, theatre, dining out, dancing, clubbing and fashion shows occupy the free hours of the locals and of course it,s visitors. There are literally tons of things to do on these fronts; but the tourist will also be pleased to know that there is plenty to see on a sightseeing level too.

History is achingly prominentprominent adj.卓越的, 显着的, 突出的 here. The breathtaking Duomo is one of the world,s largest, most striking cathedrals, while Milan,s art galleries, many housed in former palaces; are home to significant works that include da Vinci,s Last Supper.

Apart from the city centre, another area deserving your attention is the Brera, immediately north of the Duomo, with its posh galleries and fashionable shopping streets. Also check out Navigli to the south.