
第1章 Scotland Overview(1)




有山的地方自然离不开水。苏格兰的水流,充沛得让你嫉妒,干净得叫人想哭。在其境内,瀑布、湖泊、山泉、溪流,几乎遍地皆是。那水虽然干净,但并不清澈,而是带有淡淡的黄色,是那种锈黄色。苏格兰矿产资源非常丰富,在那帘瀑布(Falls of Foyers)的风景处就立有纪念碑,上面标注几个工业大公司铝产品的原材料正采集于此地。据说,那驰名世界的苏格兰威士忌(Whisky),也正得益于这样独特的矿质水源。无论如何,这样的水并不令人讨厌,在那黑黝黝的岩石陪伴中,在那郁葱葱的林木映衬下,那地道原始的风貌,呈现出一汪幽幽的清静,一股纯纯的可爱。

水源是如此的丰富,水的姿态又是那样的多变。一路走来,山水相衬,一动一静,非常好看,或从山涧里细细地拉成一道白色的细线,或是沿着河谷山涧急急地奔涌而来,有时,也会在几座山的包围中,汇成一个汪洋如海的湖泊。当车沿着尼斯湖(Loch Ness)畔缓缓前行,那水域给人的第一感觉,竟是你不敢相信是湖。漫漫一条海岸线,水面浩瀚,茫茫无边,竟有大海的气势。Loch一词在苏格兰语中本就有“类似峡湾的海湾”之义讲。想想看,一个长36公里,平均宽度达2公里的湖泊,是大气得有些不能简单地称之为湖(Lake)了。这湖里据说有水怪,每年都吸引大批好奇的游客。美丽的传说,又为苏格兰的水浓浓抹上一笔神秘的色彩。



Scotland (Alba in Scottish Gaelic) is a country in northwest Europe and a constituentconstituent n.委托人, 要素 adj.有选举权的; 有宪法制定[修改]权的 nation of the United Kingdom. It occupies the northern third of the island of Great Britain and shares a land border to the south with England and is boundedbound n.跃进,跳,范围,限度 adj.正要启程的,开往…去的,被束缚的,装订的 v.跳跃、限制 by the North Sea on the east and the Atlantic Ocean on the west.

Previously an independent kingdom, Scotland entered into a personal union with England in 1603, when King James VI of Scotland became James I of England after the death of Elizabeth I. This union was made formal on May 1, 1707 by the Act of Union. The Scottish Parliament was abolishedabolish vt.废止, 废除(法律、制度、习俗等) on March 26, 1707. The union merged both kingdoms, creating the Kingdom of Great Britain, with a new single Parliament sitting in Westminster, London, but most aspects of Scotland,s institutions, notably the country,s legal system, remained separate. In 1801, Scotland became one of four constituent nations of the United Kingdom, along with England, Ireland (latterly Northern Ireland) and Wales.

In 1999, the people of Scotland voted to create a new parliamentparliament n.国会, 议会, established by the UK government under the Scotland Act 1998. The new devolved Scottish Parliament has been given powers to govern the country on Scotland-specific matters and has limited power over taxes.

Scotland,s territorialterritorial adj.领土的 extent is generally that established by the 1237 Treaty of York between Scotland and England and the 1266 Treaty of Perth between Scotland and Norway. Exceptions include the Isle of Man, which is now a crown dependencydependency n.依靠, 信赖, 从属, 从属物, 属国, 属地 outside the United Kingdom, Orkney and Shetland, which are Scottish rather than Norwegian, and BerwickuponTweed, which was defined as subject to the laws of England by the 1746 Wales and Berwick Act.