
第14章 Prophet of Happiness快乐先知(3)

I am not allowed to sit like a dandelion on my own stem. The little lady in a breath blows me abroad. And I was so pleasantly musing over the two men mowing: the young one, with long legs in bright blue cotton trousers, and with bare black head, swinging so lightly downhill, and the other, in black trousers, rather stout in front, and wearing a new straw hat of the boater variety, coming rather stifflystiffly adv.顽固地, 呆板地, 僵硬地 after, crunching the end of his stroke with a certain violent effort.

I was watching the curiously different motions of the two men, the young thin one in bright blue trousers, the elderly fat one in shabby black trousers that stick out in front, the different amount of effort in their mowing, the lack of grace in the elderly one, his jerky advance, the unpleasant effect of the new “boater” on his head - and I tried to interest the little lady.

But it meant nothing to her. The mowers, the mountains, the cherry trees, the lake, all the things that were actually there, she didn,t care about. They even seemed to scare her off the balcony. But she held her ground, and instead of herself being scared away, she snatched me up like some ogress, and swept me off into the empty desert spaces of right and wrong, politics, Fascism and the rest.

The worst ogressogress n.食人女妖 couldn,t have treated me more villainously. I don,t care about right and wrong, politics, Fascism, abstract liberty, or anything else of the sort. I want to look at the mowers, and wonder why fatness, elderliness, and black trousers should inevitablyinevitably adv.不可避免 wear a new straw hat of the boater variety, move in stiff jerks, shove the end of the scythestrokes with a certain violence, and win my hearty disapproval, as contrasted with young long thinness, bright blue cotton trousers, a bare black head, and a pretty lifting movement at the end of the scythestroke.

Why do modern people almost invariablyinvariably adv.不变地, 总是 n.总是 ignore the things that are actually present to them? Why, having come out from England to find mountains, lakes, scythemowers and cherry trees, does the little blueeyed lady resolutely close her blue eyes to them all, now she,s got them, and gaze away to Signor Mussolini, whom she hasn,t got, and to Fascism, which is invisibleinvisible adj.看不见的, 无形的 anyhow? Why isn,t she content to be where she is? Why can,t she be happy with what she,s got? Why must she care?

I see now why her round blue eyes are so round, so noticeably round. It is because she “cares.” She is haunted by that mysterious bugbear of “caring.” For everything on earth that doesn,t concern her she “cares”. She cares terribly because faroff, invisible, hypotheticalhypothetical adj.假设的, 假定的,爱猜想的 Italians wear black shirts, but she doesn,t care a rap that one elderly mower whose stroke she can hear, wears black trousers instead of bright blue cotton ones. Now if she would descend from the balcony and climb the glassy slope and say to the fat mower:“ Cher monsieur, pourquoi portez vous les pantatons noirs ? Why, oh, why do you wear black trousers?” - Then I should say: What an onthespot little lady! - But since she only torments me with international politics, I can only remark: what a tiresome offthespot old woman!

They care! They simply are eaten up with caring. They are so busy caring about Fascism or League of Nations or whether France is right or whether Marriage is threatened, that they never know where they are. They certainly never live on the spot where they are. They inhabitinhabit vt.居住于, 存在于, 占据, 栖息 abstract spaceabstract space n.抽象空间, the desert void of politics, principles, right and wrong, and so forth. They are doomed to be abstract. Talking to them is like trying to have a human relationship with the letter X in algebra.

There simply is a deadly breach between actual living and this abstract caring. What is actual living? It is a question mostly of direct contact. There was a direct sensuoussensuous adj.感觉上的, 给人美感的 contact between me, the lake, mountains, cherry trees, mowers, and a certain invisible but noisy chaffinch in a clipped time tree. All this was cut off by the fatal shearsfatal shears 死亡 of that abstract word Fascism, and the little old lady next door was the Atropos who cut the thread of my actual life this afternoon. She beheaded me, and flung my head into abstract space. Then we are supposed to love our neighbors!

When it comes to living, we live through our instincts and our intuitions. Instinct makes me run from little overearnest ladies; instinct makes me sniff the lime blossoms and reach for the darkest cherry. But it is intuition which makes me feel the uncanny glassinessglassiness n.玻璃质 of the lake this afternoon, the sulkiness of the mountains. The vividness of near green in thundersan, the young man in bright blue trousers lightly tossing the grass from the scythe, the elderly man in a boater stifflystiffly adv.顽固地, 呆板地, 僵硬地 shoving his scythestrokes, both of them sweating in the silence of the intense light.









