
第17章 宜人风景Natural Scenery(5)

Isa Lake, in the pass between Yellowstone Lake in the east and the Upper Geyser Basin in the west, lies precisely on the continental divide. Water flows out of the lake both toward the Pacific as well as the Atlantic, although surprisingly (because of the orientation of the lake and the divide here) it is the water at the west end which heads toward the Gulf and at the east towards the Pacific.

There are other interesting views along the route of the Yellowstone River in addition to those shown above and in the Yellowstone Canyon page. The canyon and cliffs below are on the Yellowstone River, a few miles below the Grand Canyon section. These pinnaclespinnacle n.小尖塔, 山顶, 顶点 vt.造小尖塔, 把……放在极高处 are basalt columns which are formed as lava cools and contracts.

Tower Falls, where Tower Creek joins the Yellowstone River southeast of TowerRoosevelt, is another impressive cascade on the Yellowstone. The water drops 132 feet in this location.

The Madison River flows west through the Madison Valley and out the western border of the park. Attractive to birds and wildlife, it is a well known fishing river with whitefish, rainbow, and brown trout. This view of the river and the Madison Valley looks northwest toward the Gallatin National Forest west of the park itself.

The Olympic National Park奥林匹克国家公园




Olympic National Park is one of the national park system,s most diverse national parks, encompassing snowcappedsnowcapped adj.顶部被雪所盖着的 peaks, temperate rain forest, and windswept ocean coastal areas. The park is located on the Olympic Peninsula in the extreme northwest corner of Washington state, surrounded by the Strait of Juan De Fuca on the north, the Pacific Ocean on the west, and the Puget Sound. Although it,s only a short distance to Seattle across the Sound, the park seems very remote as the population of Washington,s Olympic peninsula is not great.

The park itself is quite large, containing 922,000 acres. These lands include 60 glaciers, 13 rivers, 57 miles of coastline, over 600 miles of trails, the greatest remaining ture wilderness forest in America, and the largest herd of Roosevelt elk in the United States. The park includes three separate and diverse ecosystemsecosystem n.生态系统 - subalpine forest and wildflower - rich meadowsmeadow n.草地, 牧场, temperate rain forests, and the Pacific coastline. Pictures and descriptions of all of these ecosystems are contained in this Park Vision site.

Park History

The Olympic peninsula has a long history of human habitation and use, dating back some 12 thousand years to a time when human beings fed on animals such as mastodonsmastodon n.[古生]乳齿象, 庞然大物. Some nine Indian tribes made use of the area for fishing, hunting, and gathering food. The area provided ample resources such as sea food, berries, roots, elk, and deer for food, and the bark of cedar trees for robes, mats, and baskets.

European explorers first became aware of the area in 1774 on a voyage by Spanish navigator Juan Perez. In 1788 sea captain John Meares sighted the park, and named its highest mountain, Mt. Olympus. Although the Spanish established a settlement near Neah Bay in 1791, the rugged topography and dense vegetation made the park area itself somewhat impenetrableimpenetrable adj.难以渗透的 and the mountains were not crossed until the James Christie expedition in 1889. Mt. Olympus itself was first climbed in 1907.

The first suggestion for setting aside the area as a park was made by Lt. Joseph P. O,Neill, who explored the area from 1885~1890. O,Neill could see no other use for the rugged country. In 1897 Grover Cleveland designated the area as the Olympic Forest Preserve. In 1909, much of the future Olympic National Park area was declared a national monument by the most conservationminded of all the U.S.,s presidents, Teddy Roosevelt. Finally, Olympic was designated as a national park on June 29, 1938, and the coastal area of the park was added in 1953. However, heavy logging of the forest surrounding the park on the Olympic peninsula still takes place.

Olympic Mountains

The most famous features of Olympic National Park are the spectacular Olympic Mountains which form a circular range in the central area of the park. These precipitous, snowcapped mountains were formed by the uplifting forces of the techtonic action of the collisions of plates of the earth,s crust, rather than volcanic activity which is characteristic of the northwest,s Cascade Mountains.

The snow and ice on the mountain tops contrasts sharply with the dark green color of the heavily forested lower slopes. Some of the most popular views of these mountains are at the Hurricane Ridge area. The mountains to the west of of this viewpoint form the Bailey Range which contains some of the highest peaks in the park, including Mt. Olympus. Above and below are pictures of the center of the park looking west from the ridge area.

The Olympic mountains themselves are not all that high, compared with mountains in parks such as Glacier and Rocky Mountain, ranging generally in the 7000~8000 foot area. However, the mountains rise from virtually sea level, making the mountains appear much higher than they might otherwise seem. In fact, the Olympic Mountains are visible from as far away as 100 miles in the Puget Sound area.

Grand Canyon National Park大峡谷国家公园