
第26章 人文景观Human Landscapes(6)

Its massive collection ranges from treasures of Classical Antiquity like its Greek galleries and Cypriot galleries to nearly all the European masters, as well as an extensive collection of American art. It also possesses extensive holdings in Egyptian - including the Temple of Dendur - African, Asian, Oceanic, Middle Eastern, Byzantine and Islamic art. The museum also contains recreations of notable interiors, including one by famous American architect Frank Lloyd Wright. The Department of Arms and Armor displays a collection of antique weapons and armor from around the world, primarily Europe, but also Japan, the United States, and the Middle East, with extensive holdings from other cultures and periods in the study collection. One of The Met,s latest purchases and the most expensive piece of art is Duccio,s Madonna and Child, costing the museum more than 45 million dollars. The painting is only 8 x 11 inches.

The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum and Whitney Museum of American Art are near the museum,s main building. The museum is widely considered to be among the best in the world.

The Metropolitan Museum of Art opened on February 20, 1872. Its founding Superintendentsuperintendent n.主管, 负责人, 指挥者, 管理者 was the publisher George Palmer Putnam. Its director from 1955 to his death on May 11, 1966, was James J. Rorimer. He was succeeded by Thomas Hoving, who served from March 17, 1967 to June 30, 1977. The current director is Phillipe de Montebello.

The Golden Gate Bridge金门大桥




多年来,海洋和迷雾带来的盐分和潮湿使桥面开始遭到腐蚀。为此,进行了一次自大桥落成以来最浩大的工程,把原来的混凝土桥面换成重量轻、强度大的正交各向异性钢铁桥面,铺设环氧沥青路面。这项工程1982年开始至1986年完工,将整座大桥的重量减少了12 300吨,变成894 500吨。同时,通过减少人行道的宽度,把桥上的车道宽度从原来的18米拓宽到18.9米。


Probably the most beautiful bridge on earth, the Golden Gate Bridge was built in 1937 under he lead of chief engineer Joseph Strauss, one year after the Bay Bridges. At the time it was the largest suspension bridgesuspension bridge n.[建]吊桥 on the globe. It connects Santa Rosa with the Presidio Park and is an almost spookyspooky adj.幽灵般的, 怪异的, 神经质的 sight when shrouded in the mist. The best chance to seen the bridge covered in clouds is in the early morning.

The bridge is about 4 km long, so think twice before you cross it on foot to have a view on downtown San Francisco from the other side of the bridge. A lot of people turn back after they cross the first pillar because the usually strong wind makes the bridge tremble significantly.

This flexibilityflexibility n.弹性, 适应性, 机动性, 挠性 makes the bridge less vulnerable for earthquakes, as is proven with the big earthquakes in San Francisco. If you cross it by car, remember you,ll have to pay toll. The best way to go to the Golden Gate Bridge from downtown is by walking through the Presidio Park along the Bay. It is a pleasant trip along cliffs with a nice panorama. You will find the Golden Gate Bridge at the northern end of the Park. Actually, you can,t miss it as you will see the bridge a long time before you reach it.