
第4章 城市导航City Guide(1)

Washington D.C.-The Saint City for Americans圣城华盛顿

美国首都华盛顿,全称为“华盛顿哥伦比亚特区” (Washington D.C.),是为纪念美国开国元勋乔治·华盛顿和发现美洲新大陆的哥伦布而命名的。华盛顿在行政上由联邦政府直辖,不属于任何一个州。








It is hard to believe, but the land on which Washington D.C.,s elegant National Mall and its stately buildings stand was once a marshy swamp. George Washington created this special district as a federal power hub to avoid the problem of establishing the capital city in any one state. Its strategic location, with accessibility to the sea via the Potomac River and between the South and the North, made it an attractive site. Originally designed by the French architect Pierre L,Enfant in 1791, Washington is a city of green parks, wide treelined streets and very few skyscrapers, all of which give it a European air. It is very much a purposebuilt capital, a city of grand buildings (such as the White House and the US Capitol) and impressive monuments (the Washington Monument and the Lincoln Memorial, to name but two).

Congress and the second President, John Adams, moved to Washington D.C. in 1800, but it was a further six decades before it began to look like a capital city. In the interim period, foreign ambassadors considered it a hardship posting. Now, this political centre stage, capital of the most powerful nation in the world, is the place to be. Washington D.C. is always in the international spotlight. Occasionally this attention is not welcome, for example, the world,s largest concentration of spies lurks around the city. Washington D.C. has also had its share of political scandal, such as the Watergate affair, Mayor Marion Barry,s imprisonment for drug offences, the Monica Lewinsky affair and the painful struggle of the 2000 presidential elections. The nation,s capital was once again in the spotlight on 11 September, but this time for tragic reasons, as a hijacked plane crashed into the Pentagon. Since that time, barricades, blockedoff streets, police and security checks have given parts of the city a different facade.

Washington D.C. (Washington to visitors and D.C. or the District to locals) is divided into four quadrants - northwest (NW), northeast (NE), southeast (SE) and southwest (SW). It is a city of neighborhoods, each with its own diverse culture. Capitol Hill, beyond the Capitol, is a blend of government buildings, townhouses and speciality shops and restaurants. Foggy Bottom, also home to several government buildings, is now a charming, quiet neighbourhood. Perhaps the most famous is Georgetown, a historic district with elegant 18th and 19thcentury townhouses, home to many influential residents, as well as chic restaurants and shops. One of the most colourful neighborhoods is Adams Morgan, with an eclectic mix of international restaurants, sidewalk cafés, ethnic stores and latenight entertainment.

After the federal government, tourism is the capital,s primary industry. Over 19 million tourists explore the city each year, preferring to see the sites during fall, spring and summer rather than in winter when hotel rates drop, and it can be bitterly cold and wet. They are drawn by the wealth of impressive monuments and museums, many of which have free entry. Other important industries located here include trade associations, law, higher education and publishing. The city is also the headquarters for the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund.

Though wealthy on the surface, the city has the dubious distinction as having a high crime rate, plus high unemployment, illiteracy and drug abuse. All of this has driven middleclass families out of the city centre into the suburbs and neighbouring states. Mayor Williams has made great strides in cleaning up and revitalising the city. Despite the city,s problems, the power and the politics are a heady mix. So much American history is crammed into the city with its wealth of monuments, public buildings, museums and memorials to past heroes that visitors cannot fail to be impressed.

New York City站着的城市——纽约

纽约是美国最大的城市,是美国的经济金融中心。它位于美国东北部赫德逊河(Hudson River)注入大西洋的河口处,为一狭长形的岛,面积约946.9平方公里。全市由曼哈顿(Manhattan)、布鲁克林(Brooklyn)、布朗士(Bronx)、皇后(Queens)、瑞奇蒙(Richmond)等五个行政区组成。

曼哈顿(Manhattan)是纽约市的象征,地处曼哈顿岛,面积57.91平方公里,从北到南可大概分成哈林区(Harlem)、上城(Uptown)、中城(Midtown)、下城(Downtown)。布鲁克林(Brooklyn)是纽约市人口最多的地区,也是世界上最大的黑人社区之一,横跨长岛的西南端,面积209.7平方公里。布朗士(Bronx)位于曼哈顿东北方,隔着哈林河对岸的广大地区,坐落在长岛湾、东河、哈勒姆河以及哈德逊河之间,面积107.3平方公里。皇后区(Queens)位于曼哈顿岛东北方,紧临布鲁克林区的北方,面积307.3平方公里,在曼哈顿工作的白领阶级大部分都居住于此,其内的法拉盛(Flushing)更是近年来新兴的中国社区。瑞奇蒙(Richmond)又称斯坦顿岛(Staten Island),位于曼哈顿西南,它与其他各区被纽约湾给隔开,与新泽西州之间也被狭长的水道隔离。大部分海岸濒大西洋,岛南北长21公里,东西宽11公里,面积约为150平方公里,这里是纽约市中人口最为稀少的恬静住宅区,多数居民为荷兰后裔。


