
第1章 俄勒冈州(1)





俄勒冈州。它的名称取自一条大河Columbia River的名称。

1810年开始殖民。1859年2月14日成为美国第33州。以俄勒冈葡萄Oregon Grape为州花。本州别名叫做“海獭之州”Beaver State,本州箴言:“联盟”the Union


本州特征有二:第一,本州内有美国第一深湖——世界第七深湖。这个湖叫做火口湖Crater Lake。湖深589公尺(1932尺)。这是一座古老的火山锥的顶部,陷落而成为圆形大坑,并非真正的火山口。这个圆形大坑的扩大,是由于风化作用及流水的侵蚀作用。它以前并没有这样大。这种湖叫做锅状火口湖Caldera Lake。本湖内有一小岛是后来才出现的火山口。这个湖虽然很深,水却十分清澈。由湖岸俯视。可以看见湖底的状态。由湖岸到湖底,约有1000公尺高。水是深蓝色,非常洁净。湖周35公里。湖宽10公里。因为景色幽美,空气清鲜,已辟为公园,叫做火口湖国家公园Crater Lake National Park。第二,本州有林土1200万公顷,为美国第一产木材之州。本州的森林,由于树木高大,株距甚密,因此,成为美国木材主要供给区。每年出产的木材约占美国木材总产量四分之一。出产的“胶合板”plywood,约占美国总产量70%。




About thirteen thousand years ago the first native Americans had arrived in the Northwest from Mongolia(蒙古)by way of Siberia[西伯利亚(苏联一地区)]and Alaska[阿拉斯加州(美国州名)].The Indian pictographs(象形文字,古代石壁画)on canyon(〈美〉峡谷,溪谷)walls and legends of the Northwest’s earliest historic accounts provide the story of how Oregon was shaped by the ocean,volcanoes and rain.Many Oregon names are derived from Indian tribal names,such as Multnomah,Willamette,Siuslaw and Clackamas.

The native Americans were followed many centuries later by Spanish and British mariners(水手)seeking the fabled “great river of the west”.Spanish and English sailors are believed to have sighted the Oregon coast in the 1500s and 1600s.It was an American,however,Captain John Gray,who in 1792discovered the great river and named it for his ship,The Columbia.Captain Gray was one of the first white men to enter Oregon.Capt.James Cook,seeking the Northwest Passage,charted some of the coastline(海岸线)in 1778.

This discovery prompted Thomas Jefferson in 1804to send the exploring team of Lewis and Clark overland(通过陆路)to gain more knowledge of the region and to find out if there was a northwest passage.In 1805the Lewis and Clark expedition explored the area.They found that the passage did not exist,but laid claim to the territory.Their expedition,along with Captain Gray’s trip,gave the United States a strong stake in the land.

Early trappers and fur traders made exciting explorations,finding the bounty that Oregon provided.The British Hudson’s Bay Company,led by Dr.John McLoughlin,became the dominant force in the economy.This fur-trading company directed activities throughout the region and built the original capital of the Oregon Territory in Oregon City at the northern end of the Willamette Valley.John Jacob Astor’s fur depot,Astoria,was founded in 1811.

It wasn’t until the 1840s,however,that the main influx(流入)of people began.Pioneers from the East Coast border states and merchants traveling by ship from New England increased the Oregon population,leading to the creation of the Oregon Territory in 1848and statehood in 1859.Disputes(争论,辩论)for control of Oregon between American settlers and the Hudson Bay Company were finally resolved in the 1846Oregon Treaty in which Great Britain gave up claims to the region.

The emigrants,traveling by wagon,crossed the Oregon Trail from 1841to 1860,covering 2,000miles from Missouri to Western Oregon.The majority of the pioneers settled in the fertile(肥沃的,富饶的)Willamette Valley.Discoveries of gold on the coast and in the high country led to settlement in these regions as well.These latter settlements,however,provoked(煽动)tragic Indian wars which lasted many years.The Rogue River,Modoc,Paiute,Bannock and Nez Perce Indian wars all concluded with the Indians surrendering(交出,放弃)their land.

When the railroads came to Oregon in the 1870s the agriculture industry no longer required direct access to waterways because supplies could be transported overland.The arrival of the automobile quickened the urban growth of the state,and the depletion(损耗)of eastern forests brought logging(〈美〉伐木搬运业)to Oregon on a huge scale.Many of the millions of visitors to Oregon’s Lewis and Clark Exposition in 1905were tempted to stay.

Oregon’s pioneer spirit has continued on through the years in many ways that have influenced the rest of the country.Citizens are supportive(支持的,支援的)of the environment,cultural affairs and a life style that combines urban conveniences with the wonders of our wilderness.Oregon has a beloved place in the lives of its residents and they enjoy sharing their history,products and beauty with others.


Theodore R.Kulongoski1940年11月出生在密苏里州的乡村,在圣路易斯的一个天主教的男孩托养所长大。高中毕业之后,他就应征入美国海军陆战队。当他从东南亚服役退伍归来之后,他在伊利诺斯州奥尔顿的一个钢厂做了一年的卡车司机和砖匠。这些经历促进Ted继续财政能力的高等教育学习。之后Kulongoski进入了密苏里州大学,在那里他获得了双学士学位。

Governor Theodore(Ted)R.Kulongoski was born in rural Missouri on November 5,1940,and grew up in St.Louis in a Catholic(天主教的)boys’home.After graduating from high school,he enlisted in the U.S.Marine Corps.When he returned from duty in Southeast Asia,he spent a few years as a truck driver and a bricklayer(砖匠)in a steel mill in Alton,Illinois.Those experiences,and the availability of the GI Bill,gave Ted the impetus(推动力,促进)and the financial ability to pursue higher education.Governor Kulongoski put himself through the University of Missouri,where he earned both his undergraduate and law degrees.