
第3章 地理小帖士(3)

Where the Galapagos Islands lie today,there was once an unbroken expanse of Pacific.Then the sea began to seethe and simmer,the earth’s crust was pierced,and matter gushed forth continuously.Lava and scoriae(loose,cinder like lava)piled up until one day spewing volcanoes raised peaks above the brawling sea.

Many thousands of years passed before life could settle upon the cooled land.Then wind and waves brought the first hardy seed of primitive plants.After these came others,then insects,lizards,and birds.The chance that any animal would survive the trip from the South American continent more than six hundred miles away was slight;only a few hardy species came through alive.This is why there are many gaps in the animal life of the islands.

Those that did reach the outoftheway islands developed over the ages into a number of quite peculiar forms.Because conditions in the Galapagos differed from those in their original homes,the animals had to change or perish.Only in the Galapagos are there seaweedeating marine lizards,giant tortoises,and flightless cormorants.In fact,most of the species found in the Galapagos Islands are endemic:they exist only in the archipelago.





The Aswan High Dam on the Nile River

The Aswan high dam project,located on the Nile River in upper Egypt,came into being as a result of Egypt’s need to increase the land under cultivation.This need was a direct result of population growth.The dam was engineered to increase the arable lands by some two million acres,and it was expected that the increase in agricultural production would feed more than five million persons.The dam would thus alleviate the problem of population growth and better the lot of the people in general.

One unfortunate result of the project,however,was that it threatened to precipitate a“cultural catastrophe”.Within a period of five years,the rising waters were to form a lake two hundred feet deep,inundating some three hundred miles of the fabled Nubian Valley and obliterating some of man’s most spectacular monuments.More than two dozen important sites in the valley reflect one of man’s oldest civilizations.There are beautiful temples and treasures of extreme antiquity in the area.An international appeal was made to raise the funds needed to save these monuments,including the great temple of Abu Simbel and the fabulous island of Philae.In additon to contributing ten million dollars,the United Arab Republic agreed to allow archaeologists making immediate explorations to keep half of the works excavated





The Sediment Layer Overthe Bottom of the Seas

The acquisition of new knowledge about a problem does not always help scientists solve it.Sometimes it complicates the original problem.A striking example of this occurred when the findings of the International Indian Ocean Expedition were reported in 1962.