
第5章 动物小贴士(1)

Earthworms That Help Improve the Soil

The earthworm is a useful animal.Out of the ground,it is food for other animals.In the ground,it makes rich soil for fields and gardens.

Earthworms dig tunnels that loosen the soil and make it easy for air and water to reach the roots of plants.These tunnels help keep the soil well drained.

Earthworms drag dead leaves,grass,and flowers into their burrows.When this plant material decays,it makes the soil more fertile.

No other animal is so useful in building up good topsoil.It is estimated that in one year fifty thousand earthworms carry about eighteen tons of fine soil to the surface of an acre of land.One worm may add three quarters of a pound of earth to the topsoil.






A Giraffe That Did NotBelieve in Himself

In Africa I heard a story about a giraffe that did not believe in himself.

The giraffe’s mother bad left him when he was a few days old because she couldn’t feed him.For three years he lived in the warden’s house and played with the children.Then he grew too large for the house.

The family decided that he should return to his fellows.They took him to join a herd of wild giraffes.

One look was enough for the giraffe’s small brain.He could not believe that such extraordinary animals existed.Or that he was one of them!He turned and bolted.

The family took him back several times.In the end they gave up.Now their giraffe lives by himself near the warden’s house.







The Small Black Ants,Nature’s Cleanup Crew

The small black ants that we see running back and forth in the grass are the same ants that annoy us by coming to our picnics uninvited.They are not trying to make pests of themselves,but are only doing the housekeeping job they were made for.They are nature’s cleanup crew.

One of these ants,scouting in the grass,finds the trail of an injured beetle.In some mysterious way the news spreads.Soon there are two ants,then a few more.Then a dozen or more are running around the beetle.Enough ants will come to put an end to it.

When the beetle is dead,the ants carry it away to their underground burrows.The efficient ants leave nothing in the grass but the empty shell.





Sea Otters off the Coast Of California

Sea otters off the coast of California have an unusual method of getting food.They dive to the floor of the sea to find the shellfish they like.

When an otter brings a shellfish to the surface of the water,he floats on his back and puts the shellfish on his chest.Then the otter digs the meat out of the shell with his teeth.

Sea otters are especially fond of shellfish with a very hard shell.When the otter brings up one of these,he also brings a stone.He puts the stone on his chest,holding the shellfish in his front paws.He takes a wide swing and smashes the hard shell on the stone.Then he has no trouble getting at the meat in the shell.





The Hognose Snake,One of Nature’s Clowns

The hognose snake,sometimes called the puff adder,is one of nature’s clowns.Some people think that he is deadly poisonous.Actually,he’s just a haress fellow who spends most of his time hunting toads.

The puff adder gets his name from being a terrific bluffer.He will swell up,hiss,and strike viciously to frighten you away.If that doesn’t work,he will flatten out,making his head look like a cobra’s.

He has one more trick—playing dead.He goes limp,opens his mouth wide,and rolls over on his back so that he couldn’t possibly look more dead.

Unfortunately,this trick is spoiled by his onetrack mind.If you pick him up he lies still.But turn him over and he will thrash about wildly,trying to turn himself belly up again.






From Land Animalto King of the Sea

Whales—or their ancestors—were once land animals.Scientists believe that they roamed the earth about 150million years ago.

The landwelling ancestors of this modern king of the sea were hunters with legs and the jaws and teeth of killers.Their favorite hunting grounds were probably shallow waters near the mouths of rivers or off a level stretch of coast,for fish,both finny and shell,were then more plentiful and easier to catch than animals.Because of this,these land mammals came to spend more and more time in the water.

Ages passed,and these creatures swam more easily than they walked;millions of years later they were able to do without legs altogether.They were now recognizable as whales.Their forelegs had turned into the flippers that today’s whales use for steering;their hind legs had shrunk so that mere traces of them can be found under the skin when a whale is dissected.


