

The little creek goes winding Through gums of white and blue;A silver arm, Around the farm

It flings, a lover true;

And softly, where the rushes lean, It sings (oh, sweet and low!)A lover"s song, And winds along,

How happy-lovers know ! The little creek goes singing By maidenhair and moss;Along its banks, In rosy ranks,

The wild flowers wave and toss;

And ever, where the ferns dip down, It sings (oh, sweet and low !)A lover"s song, And winds along,

How happy-lovers know!

The little creek takes colour

From summer skies above; Now blue, now gold,

Its waters fold

The clouds in closest love;

But loudly, when the thunders roll, It sings (nor sweet nor low)No lover"s song, But sweeps along,

How angry-lovers know!

The little creek for ever

Goes winding, winding down, Away, away,

By night, by day,

Where dark the ranges frown; But ever as it glides it sings, It sings (oh, sweet and low!)A lover"s song, And winds along,

How happy-lovers know !

John Bernabd O"Hara

Author.-John Bernard O"Hara was born at Bendigo in 1862, and he died at Melbourne in 1927. He was for many years principal of the South Melbourne College. His published books of verse include Songs of the South, Lyrics of Nature, A Book of Sonnets, Odes and Lyrics, Calypso, At Evendtide, Sonnets and Rondels, and Collected Poems.

General.-What a happy little poem! Do you know any creeks like this? Does the rhythm dance like rippling water? What word in each stanza gives the keynote? Name all the things the creek sees.