
第9章 爱之物语(1)

Love Is Just a Thread

Sometimes I really doubt whether there is love between my parents.Every day they are very busy trying to earn money in order to pay the high tuition for my brother and me.They don’t act in the romantic ways that I read in books or I see on TV.In their opinion,“I love you”is too luxurious for them to say.Sending flowers to each other on Valentine’s Day is even more out of the question.Finally my father has a bad temper.When he’s very tired from the hard work,it is easy for him to lose his temper.

One day,my mother was sewing a quilt.I silently sat down beside her and looked at her.

“Mom,I have a question to ask you,”I said after a while.

“What?”she replied,still doing her work.

“Is there love between you and Dad?”I asked her in a very low voice.

My mother stopped her work and raised her head with surprise in her eyes.She didn’t answer immediately.Then she bowed her head and continued to sew the quilt.

I was very worried because I thought I had hurt her.I was in a great embarrassment and I didn’t know what I should do.But at last I heard my mother say the following words:

“Susan,”she said thoughtfully,“Look at this thread.Sometimes it appears,but most of it disappears in the quilt.The thread really makes the quilt strong and durable.If life is a quilt,then love should be a thread.It can hardly be seen anywhere or anytime,but it’s really there.Love is inside.”

I listened carefully but I couldn’t understand her until the next spring.At that time,my father suddenly got sick seriously.My mother had to stay with him in the hospital for a month.When they returned from the hospital,they both looked very pale.It seemed both of them had had a serious illness.

After they were back,every day in the morning and dusk,my mother helped my father walk slowly on the country road.My father had never been so gentle.It seemed they were the most harmonious couple.Along the country road,there were many beautiful flowers,green grass and trees.The sun gently glistened through the leaves.All of these made up the most beautiful picture in the world.

The doctor had said my father would recover in two months.But after two months he still couldn’t walk by himself.All of us were worried about him.

“Dad,how are you feeling now?”I asked him one day.

“Susan,don’t worry about me.”he said gently.“To tell you the truth,I just like walking with your mom.I like this kind of life.”Reading his eyes,I know he loves my mother deeply.

Once I thought love meant flowers,gifts and sweet kisses.But from this experience,I understand that love is just a thread in the quilt of our life.Love is inside,making life strong and warm.
















In Love’s Arms

“I’m going to marry you one day.”Beth said to her long time crush Jake.She wore her favorite blue teddy bear shirt.Her fouryearold blue eyes shined in the sun.

“No you’re not,you’re a girl.”Jake said.

The California afternoon wind blew his light brown hair.Jumping off the monkey bars he laughed back to class.

Sitting alone and confused she didn’t know what to do.Beth sat high on the monkey bars crying.How can her future husband just leave like that?

She was going to get him,but how?“I will not let him get away!I won’t!I won’t!”

15years later:

“I love you,too,Jake.”Hanging up the phone she caught her mom smiling.“What?”

“When is he coming in from France?He’s been there for awhile.”She sat down on her black leather couch.The house was made up of different Indian stuff.On the walls were different dream catchers.Her mother was a full blood Cherokee Indian.She passed away when Beth was eight.

“He has a lot of schooling to do right now.Maybe this Saturday.”

Fixing her short overalls she thought of Jake.Who would have thought they were going to date when she turned five?

“Is he still living in Colorado?”Her mother Kay wore a white tank top with tan pants.And long blonde hair with pretty blue eyes.She was the most beautiful woman on Earth.And Beth is looking like her by the minute.

“Yeah,I hate having a long distance relationship.”She plopped on a leather chair.

“It’s ok baby,you know he loves you more than anything in this world.Love will keep you together.”

Beth could not help but smile.Her mother is and will always be her best friend.

Jake sat in his hotel the school rented for him.School of law.He loved going overseas for everything.But he missed being with Beth.That hurt him the most.

Spending the lonely nights in the hotel made him think of how much it would hurt to spend the rest of his life without her in it.

Getting up off his bed he went into the bathroom.Watching his reflection in the mirror,all he could think about was Beth.He would leave Thursday,and get there Friday night.

Turning off the light he jumped into the cold bed.On a coffee table near his bed rested a frame with them in it.It was taken at a beach about two years ago.It was the best time of their lives.

It was Thursday morning and Beth waited for Jake’s morning phone call.He would call at eight—it was ten.

Beth got out of bed and got her favorite blue tank top.She took off her shirt and screamed at the top of her lungs.

“What?What?”Her mother came rushing into her room.Staring at her naked daughter she saw the lump of her breast.“Does it hurt?”

Beth could only say “No.”Looking at the lump,she cried in pain.

“Let’s get you to the doctor.”

“Ok,let me get dressed.”

Shutting the door behind her,the room became silent.Shaking she put on her shirt,and ran out into the living room.

“Mom,where are my blue shorts?”