
第11章 我们呼吸的空气

1.Have you any empty cups,or jugs,or bottles in your house ?No,not one.You may have many which you call empty,but they are really all full of air.

2.Have you ever noticed how hard it is to fill with water from the tap a bottle which has a narrow neck?The bottle is full of air,and the air must get out of it before the water can get in.Two things cannot be in the same place at the same time.

3.Air and water are both called fluids,because they can flow from one place to another.Wind is nothing but air flowing from one place to another.

4.Air is a gas.When pure,it has no colour,taste,or smell.The air is many miles high.Men have gone seven miles up in a balloon;but even then they were not near the top of the air.

5.But the air does not reach all the way to the sun,moon,and stars.The air lies all round the earth on which we live,and it is of great use to us.

6.The air is of great use in helping things to burn.Let us light two or three bits of candle and put them under glass tumblers of different sizes.Soon all the candles will go out.The candle under the smallest tumbler,which has least air in it,will go out first.

7.It is the air in a room that makes the fire burn brightly.It burns better when you open the door or the window,because you then let in more air.

8.And it is the air that keeps all things alive.All animals and all plants must have plenty of fresh air to breathe,or they will soon die.

9.We must be very careful to let plenty of fresh air into the rooms in which we live.The windows should be left open a little,even at night.

10.Do you want to feel the air?All you need to do is to move your hand about quickly.Or you may squeeze a foot-ball,or a paper bag which you have blown full with your breath.All of these are full of air.


Air is a gas which,when pure,has no colour,taste,or smell.It lies all round the earth,and is of great use to us.It is called a fluid,because,in the form of wind,it flows from one place to another.Air keeps all things alive.It also makes things burn.Plenty of fresh air should be let into the rooms in which we live.








②空气是多种气体混合成的,100份体积的空气,有78份氮气,21份氧气,1份二氧化碳和其他气体。英里是英制尺寸,英国人一直到现在还在用。1英里=1.609公里,7英里高度,也就是大约11.3公里。这里说的事情,指的是1862年英国人詹姆斯·格雷休(James Glaisher)和亨利·考科斯维尔(Henry Coxwell),乘坐煤气气球,升到了11.887公里的高度。最新的载人气球飞行高度纪录,是1961年的34.668公里;无人气球飞行高度纪录,是2002年的53公里!你看,大气层是多么厚啊!


