
第21章 一块石板

1.Look at your slate,and see what it is made of.It is a very thin,smooth,grey stone.The pencil with which you write upon it is also a piece of soft slate.

2.When you rub the soft slate-pencil upon the slate,many little pieces of the pencil are broken off.These tiny pieces form the white marks which you see when you write.They do not stick to the slate,but can easily be rubbed off with a wet sponge.

3.The slate is not at all like the lump of putty which we made.The putty was soft;we could press it into any shape we pleased.But the slate is hard.However much we squeeze it,we cannot change its shape.

4.The putty did not break when it fell to the ground;but if we drop a slate,it will break.So we say that the slate is brittle;it snaps or breaks easily.

5.Like all solids,slate keeps its shape,and it keeps its size too.You cannot change a little slate into a big one,however hard you pull at it to try to stretch it.

6.Pieces of slate are put on the roofs of houses,to keep out the rain.Water cannot pass through slate.The slater makes two little holes in each slate,and then nails them on to the roof.

7.But where do slates come from?If you ever go to Wales,or to Cornwall,or to Scotland,youmay see great holes in the hill-sides-“quarries,”the men call them-where all the rock or stone is nothing but slate.


8.Some men break off great lumps of the rock,and then other men split these lumps into the thin pieces we call slates.We can tell slate from all other rocks by the way it splits into very thin layers.

9.Scr ape some slate-pencil into a glass of water.The water looks muddy.The slate itself was once mud at the bottom of the sea.That was a very long time ago;and the slate has been so squeezed and heated inside the earth since then,that it has become hard and stony.

10.We often find pieces of slate like the one in the picture,full of marks of the shells or of the fishes that lived in the sea long ago.When these creatures died,they sank to the bottom,and were buried in the mud.


Slate is a very thin,smooth,grey stone.It is very brittle.It is got out of great holes,called quarries,in the hill-sides.Large lumps are broken off the rock,and then split into thin pieces.Slate-pencils are made from a soft slate.Roofs of houses are made of slate.Slate is formed from mud which has been changed by being pressed and heated inside the earth.












②英国的全名叫“大不列颠和北爱尔兰联合王国”,分成英格兰(England)、威尔士(Wales)、苏格兰(Scotland)、北爱尔兰(North Ireland)四个王国;康沃尔郡(Cornwall)是英格兰西南部的一个郡。威尔士、苏格兰、康沃尔郡都是板石的出产地。