
第26章 摘毛茛

1.You all like to gather the yellow flowers called buttercups.The flowers are pretty,but there are other parts of the plant which you should look at.Let us dig up the whole plant with a big knife,and try to see all its parts,and learn what are their uses.

2.First,there are the roots,which areROOT(根)brown or white in colour.The roots fix the buttercup plant in the ground,and they also suck out of the soil a great deal of water every day.In this water there are many things taken from the soil which the plant needs for its food.

3.Then there is the green,branching stem.It holds up the leaves and the flowers,and spreads them out so that they can all get plenty of the fresh air and of the sunlight.

4.The green leaves are covered with tiny holes,too small for our eyes to see.Through these holes the leaves draw in air,and they use part of this air as food.So the food of the buttercup is air and water,and a small part of the earth which is mixed with the water.

5.The very young flowers of the buttercup are called buds.On the outside of each bud we see five little green leaves.These keep the bud safe from the cold and from the rain.

6.When the bud opens,we see five other golden-BUD(花蕾)yellow leaves inside it.Are these bright-coloured leaves of any use to the plant?Let us see.

7.Every buttercup flower has a little honey in its cup,and insects and bees are fond of this honey.When they see a gay blossom,they fly to it at once,for they hope to find honey there.

8.Now the flowers need the bees to carry their yellow dust from one blossom to another.This dust is needed to make good seeds for the flowers.You may see it on the little dust-spikes that stand upDUST-SPIKES(雄蕊)round the middle of the flower.

9.So you see the gay colour guides the bees to the honey,then the bees carry the flower dust to other flowers to make perfect seeds.In this way the flowers and the bees help each other.


The buttercup is a plant with a pretty yellow flower.Its root is brown or white.Its branching stem holds up the leaves and the flowers so that they get plenty of fresh air and sunlight.The food of the buttercup is air,water,and earth mixed with water.The young flowers are called buds.Bees get honey from the buttercup,and in return carry the yellow dust from the little dust-spikes of one blossom to those of another.This helps to make good seed for the plant.











