
第30章 马铃薯

1.Next to bread,there is perhaps nothing which is so much used for food in our country as the potato.Yet the potato was not known in Great Britain until about three hundred years ago,when it was brought from America by a great sailor.

2.People call the potato a root,because it grows under ground.Butit is not a root;it is a knob or swelling on the lower part of the stem of the plant.

3.If we look carefully at a potato,we see little pits,or “eyes,”as they are called,on the outside.What are these eyes?Wait till the potato is planted and you will see.

4.We plant potatoes in March or April,cutting up each potato into two or three pieces,called “sets.”There must be at least one good eye in each piece or set.

5.Soon a little sprout grows out of each eye;so the eye of the potato is really the beginning of a leaf-bud.This grows up into a stem,which puts out green leaves and pretty white or purple flowers.

6.Below the ground the stem is swelling out into little beads that will grow into new potatoes for us.The earth must be piled up round the stems,so as to cover the potatoes and keep them from the light.

7.In August the stem and the leaves wither.After that we can dig up the potatoes,and we shall find that each set has given us perhaps eight or ten.

8.But does the potato plant bear no fruit?Yes;when the flowers drop off,we see little green balls,which we call “potato apples.”These “potato apples”are real fruits,with seeds inside them.

9.But if we sow these seeds,we shall only get small plants.The potatoes grown from these seeds will be no larger than marbles.

10.What is the potato made of?There is a great deal of waterin it,and the solid part is nearly all starch.You can easily make potato starch by grating down a potato in a basin of water.Strain the white water through some muslin,and let it stand till all the tiny white grains of starch sink to the bottom.Then pour away the water,and dry the starch in a saucer.


The potato was first brought to this country from America.The plant is grown from sets or pieces of a potato.Out of each eye grows a new shoot.Each plant has eight or ten potatoes on it under the ground.Starch is made from potatoes.








9.但是如果种下这些种子,只能得到很小的马铃薯。种子长出来的马铃薯,顶多也只有玻璃球那么大。③10.马铃薯的成分是什么呢?里面有很多水分,固体的部分几乎全是淀粉。要得到马铃薯淀粉很容易:把一个马铃薯在一盆水里磨碎,把白色的水用细棉布过滤一遍,放置一段时间,直到细小的淀粉碎屑都沉到底下。把水倒掉,再将淀粉在碟子里晾干就行了。④译注①马铃薯就是俗称的“土豆”,英语是potato,属于“双子叶植物纲”“茄目”“茄科”“茄属”“马铃薯种”。这么一堆“茄子”下来,大家可能都知道了,马铃薯和茄子是近亲,实际上的确如此,茄子跟马铃薯是同一“属”,只是“种”不同。中国人一般把马铃薯当副食吃,但英国人觉得马铃薯是主食。课文里说的那个“伟大的航海家”是弗朗西斯·德雷克(Francis Drake,1540-1596),他最早是海盗出身,后来成了英国贵族,曾经在麦哲伦之后第二次完成环球航行。一般认为,1586年,他在加勒比海和西班牙人打了一仗,之后和朋友一起,把马铃薯和烟叶带回了英国。那么马铃薯是什么时候传入咱们中国的呢?可能是明朝末年,也就是17世纪上半叶。


