
第50章 栗子







1.How nice it is to go for a country walk in the spring,when everything looks fresh and green,and the air is not too hot!Probably①we shall not have to go very far before we see the fine large shady tree called the horse-chestnut.

2.If we go to the horse-chestnut tree in March,we shall find all the leaves in bud.Each bud is covered over with a sticky stuff like glue②,which keeps it dry and warm.When the leavescome out,they are like large green hands,as you can see in the picture.

3.How beautiful the white flowers of the horse-chestnut look!They grow in upright spikes,and stand like candles on aChristmas③tree.After they have all witheredand fallen to the ground,we find the green prickly fruit.By August the fruit has become ripe,and then it too drops to the ground.


②Glue,a sticky substance got by boiling the hoofs of animals.

③Christmas,the twenty-fifth of December,the day on which Christ was born.

4.When the fruit dries it splits open,and then out roll one,two,or sometimes even three smooth brown seeds-chestnuts or “cheggies,”as some children call them.These seeds or nuts.

used to be ground down and given to horses for food.That is why they are called horse-chestnuts.

5.But there is another kind of chestnut-the sweet or Spanish①chestnut-which you can buy at the shops,and which is good to eat,especially when cooked.It has not a bitter taste like the horse-chestnut.This sweet chestnut is the fruit of quite a different kind of tree.

6.The Spanish chestnut tree grows to a very great size.One of these trees,growing on the side of Mount Etna②in Sicily③,measures one hundred and ninety feet round the trunk.It wouldtake more than thirty men holding each other‘s hands to reach round it.

CHESTNUT TREES ON MOUNT ETNA(埃特纳山上的栗子树)①Spanish,belonging to Spain,a country of Europe.

②Mount Etna,a volcano.

③Sicily,an island to the south of Italy,a country of Europe.

7.Hang a horse-chestnut in a glass half full of water,with its point touching the water,and keep it in the dark for a few days.It will soon sprout①,and a little horse-chestnut tree will begin togrow out of it.


The horse-chestnut tree is a large shady tree which grows in this country.Its white flowers grow in upright spikes,and produce a prickly green fruit which contains two or more smooth brown seeds or nuts.These were at one time used as food for horses.These chestnuts are not good to eat.Spanish chestnuts grow on a different kind of tree.They are sweet to the taste,and good for food,especially when cooked.




4.果实干燥之后会裂开,从里面滚出一颗、两颗,有时候甚至三颗光滑的棕色种子,看上去很像栗子(chestnut),英国有些小朋友叫它cheggies。以前曾经有人把这些种子,或者“坚果”磨碎给马吃,所以在英语里叫horse-chestnut(s),直译就是“马栗”。②5.但还有另一种栗子--“甜栗子”或“西班牙栗子”,在商店里可以①Sprout,begin to shoot up.

买到,非常好吃,尤其在煮熟了之后。它的味道可不像马栗那么苦。甜栗子是一种很不一样的树结出来的果实。③6.西班牙栗子树可以长得非常高大。在意大利的西西里地区(Sicily),有一座名叫“埃特纳”(Mount Etna)的火山,山上有一棵栗子树,树干周长足有190英尺,要30多个男人手拉手,才能合抱过来呢!④7.把一颗马栗挂在玻璃杯里,盛上半杯水,让马栗的尖儿碰到水面,在暗处放上几天。马栗会很快发芽,从里面长出一棵小小的马栗树!




