
第54章 牡蛎

1.The oyster is called a shell-fish;but it is not a real fish,like the sole or the herring.All true fishes have a backbone,and they swim about in the sea by the help of their tail and their fins.


2.But the oyster has no backbone;indeed it has no bones at all.Its soft body is protected by two hard shells,between which it lies.

3.One of these shells is larger than the other;and it is by the larger one that the oyster fastens itself to the rocks or to the muddy sea-bottom where it lives.

4..T h e t w o s h e l l s a r e joined together by a hinge①;and the oyster has a strongpiece of flesh,or a muscle,by which it can keep them shut.If you take an oyster out of the water,you will find that it holds its two shells so tightly together that you cannot pull them apart.

5.Oysters are usually opened with a knife;but by being put into boiling water they can be killed in a moment,and the shells then open easily.Look inside an empty oyster-shell,and you will see a little hollow where the muscle was fixed to the shell.

6.The inside of the shell shines like pearl;indeed,it is from a kind of oyster that pearls②are got.The oyster makes both the shell and the pearls out of matter whichit finds dissolved in the sea-water.

7.The oyster has a little mouth,a stomach,and other organs③.It breathes like a fish by sucking air out of the sea-water with its gills;and it also gets its food out of the sea-water.

①Hinge,the joint on which anything hangs and turns.

②Pearls,small,white,and shining gems found in some shellfish.

③Organs,members of the body.

8.It takes the sea-water into its mouth,and lets it run out through its gills.But any tiny living things which may be in this sea-water are caught and swallowed,and go into its stomach.

9.The best oysters are found round the mouth of the river Thames①,in the English Channel,and on the coasts of France.

10.In the summer months the oyster lays its eggs,and millions of young ones are born.They are no bigger than pin-points,and they swim about in the sea.Most of them are eaten up by fishes;but those that escape settle down on the sea-bottom,and begin to form their shells.

11.Fishermen scrape the oysters off the sea-bottom by means of a dredge,which is a bag-shaped net with an iron rim.Then they are sent to London and to other large towns,to be sold for food.Oysters are a very good food,and they are very easy todigest②,but they are rather dear.

12.A great many oysters are also found along the coasts of North America,and some of these are now put into barrels and sent to this country alive.The oyster will live for two or three weeks after it is taken out of the sea,if it is kept wet with sea-water.


The oyster has two hard shells which are joined together by a hinge.With the larger of these shells it fastens itself to rocks or to the sea-bottom.The oyster gets its food out of the sea-water.It breathes like a fish by sucking air out of the water.In summer the oyster lays its tiny eggs,many of which are eaten up by fish.Those that remain settle down on the sea-bottom and form their shells.When two years old,they are ready to be dredged off the sea-bottom and used as food.From a kind of oyster pearls are got.

①Thames,a large river in the south of England.

②Digest,dissolve food in the stomach.


1.牡蛎是一种贝类(shell-f i sh),意思是“带壳的鱼”。但它不是真正的鱼,跟比目鱼和鲱鱼不一样。所有真正的鱼都有一条脊椎骨,借助尾巴和鳍的帮助,在海里游来游去。①2.但是牡蛎没有脊椎骨,其实,牡蛎连一点儿骨头都没有。它柔软的身体躺在两片坚硬的甲壳()之间,让这两片甲壳来保护。












