
第59章 毛毛虫向前爬

1.All birds lay eggs.If the eggs are kept warm,after a certain time a little bird,just like the parent birds,comes out of each egg.

2.All insects also lay eggs.But these eggs donot produce perfect insects.Out of each tiny egg there comes a small,soft creature,which looks somewhat like a little worm,and is known asa maggot,a grub,or a caterpillar.

3.The eggs of flies produce maggots;the eggs of most beetles produce grubs;the eggs of butterflies and of moths produce caterpillars.Maggots have no legs,and it is not easy to tell which end of their body is the head.Grubs have either no legs at all,or at most six legs.

4.But caterpillars have not only six true legs;on the hinder part of their bodies they have a number of what we may call false feet-little fleshy things whichare very useful in helping the caterpillar to move about,or to hold on to the twigs of trees.

5.I should like you to keep some caterpillars.They will need looking after and feeding,but they will repay you for your trouble,if you watch their funny ways and the curious changes that they pass through.

6.For a few pence,you can buy a hundred silk-worms‘eggs.If you keep them in a warm place for a few days,they will change to caterpillars.These will then need to be fed with mulberry①leavesor lettuce②leaves.

7.Another way of getting caterpillars is to look for them on the under sides of the leaves of such plants as the nettle,the rose,and the hawthorn.You must feed these caterpillars on the leaves of the plant on which you found them;and as they are very greedy,they will want some fresh leaves every day.

8.The body of the caterpillar grows,but its skin does not grow.When the old skin becomes too tight,it splits down the back,and the caterpillar crawls out.A new and larger skin soon grows on its body.The caterpillar then eats up its old skin.

9.This happens about five times before the creature grows to its full size.Then it stops feeding,and its body changes into what is called a chrysalis.The silk-worm caterpillars wrap themselves round with a ball of silk called a cocoon while they are going through this change.Others cover themselves with ahard brown case of skin.



①Mulberry,a tree found in warm countries,on the leaves of which silk-worms feed.

②Lettuce.a plant somewhat of the shape of a cabbage,used as a salad.

10.Then after a time the case or the cocoon breaks open,and a perfect insect (a butterfly or a moth)creeps out,ready to fly about and to lay some tiny white eggs.

11.Do you see the caterpillar’s small black head?It has a strong pair of jaws,and with them it eats every day a great many leaves.

Look also at the hairs on its back.These hairs have two uses.They prevent①birds from eatingthe caterpillar,for the bird does not like these hairs to stick inits throat;and,besides,if the caterpillar falls from a leaf to the ground,the hairs break②the fall,and keep it from being hurt.


Caterpillars are produced from the eggs of butterflies and moths.Before it grows to its full size,the caterpillar changes its skin about five times.After that it stops feeding,and its body changes into a chrysalis.While undergoing this change,the silk-worm caterpillar wraps itself round with a ball of silk called a cocoon,and others have a hard brown case of skin.After a time this cocoon or case breaks open,and a perfect insect-a butterfly or a moth-creeps out,ready to fly about.



①Prevent,hinder;keep from doing.

②Break,lessen the force of.










