
第78章 家鼠

1.This little animal likes to live near the dwellings of men,for there it finds most easily the food which it likes best to eat.Mice generally remain in their holes during the daytime.It is only the young and foolish mice that come out then.The old ones are too much afraid of being caught and eaten by the cat.But at night they are bolder,and they come out from the holes which they have gnawed①in the woodwork of the house,and run about seeking for something to eat and to drink.

2.The mouse is a very small animal,hardly three inches in length if we do not reckon②its tail.But the tail is very nearly as①Gnawed,eaten out.

②Reckon,take into account.

long as the body.The body of the mouse is covered with short,velvety grey fur,which is darker on the back than on the rest of the body.

3.The mouse has two bright little black eyes,so small that they look like beads.Its ears are large,and it can move themabout so that they catch every sound.The feet of the mouse have sharp little claws,one for each toe.There are four toes on each fore foot,and five on each hind foot.

4.We can almost always tell something about the habits of an animal,and the nature of its food,by looking at its teeth.The teeth of the mouse are like those of the rat,the rabbit,and the squirrel;they are made for gnawing,or cutting through hard substances such as wood.


5.In the front or middle of its mouth,the mouse has two long cutting or gnawing teeth in each jaw.These teeth never wear short,for they keep on growing at the end which is buried in the gum as fast as they wear away at thecutting end.They are shaped like little chisels.

6.These cutting teeth always keep their sharp,chisel-like edge,for the front of each tooth is formed of a very hard stuff called enamel,while the rest of the tooth is made of softer material.So the back part of each toothTEETH OF MOUSE(老鼠的牙齿)wears away faster than the front part,and thus the teeth are always kept pointed and sharp.Our best steel chisels are made on the same plan:at the cutting edge they have a thin plate of hard steel,which is supported or backed up by a thicker plate of softer steel.

7.With these sharp gnawing teeth mice can soon cut their way through wooden boards.At the back of the mouth there are grinding teeth,which crush the animal’s food into small pieces.Mice feed on grain,and on all kinds of seeds.They often do muchdamage by eating the corn in the farmer‘s wheat-stacks①.

8.Do you see the long “whiskers”of the mouse,which stick out from each side of its mouth?These act as feelers,and let the mouse know if there is anything in its way,when it is running along the dark,narrow passages under the floors or behind the wooden lining②or wainscot of our rooms.

9.Did you ever keep tame mice in a cage?You can buy white mice for about fourpence each.If you get any,you must look after them well.Give them a little bread and milk or porridge to eat,with some acorns③and nuts.You must keep their cages very clean.Tame mice will soon learn to know you,and will come to you and run up your arm when you call them.


Mice are very small animals with long tails.They live in or near our houses,and come out of their holes at night to seek for food.Their body is covered with a short,soft,grey fur.They have two black bead-like eyes,and large ears that hear every sound.The fore foot has four toes and the hind foot five,each with a little sharp claw.Their four long chisel-shaped front teeth are made for gnawing.Their long whiskers act as feelers.Mice feed on grain and seeds.Tame white mice may be bought and kept in cages.

①Wheat-stacks,sheaves of wheat stored up for use.

②Lining,inside covering.

③Acorns,the fruit of the oak.












