
第4章 我们的祖国(4)

9.There is another important reason for knowing something about the way in which our country is governed.With us about every man of full age,that is,twentyone years old or over,is a voter.The most of all public officers are elected.And a voter is not very useful whose ideasof what he is voting for are in a fog.He is easily led by shrewdGENERAL W.T.SHERMAN SALUTING THEFLAG AT WEST POINT

and unscrupulous demagogues;he is simply a tool,a slave.It is often said that knowledge is power.We might add that knowledge of public affairs is liberty.

10.The Flag.Every nation has a flag of its own,with an appropriatecombination of colors and symbols.This flag flies from the mast of a ship on the ocean,thus indicating at once to what country she belongs.The flag is raised on a staff in forts and military,camps,is carried by soldiers on the march and in battle,and is used very commonly by people in token of their patriotism.On the Fourth of July we see the American flag everywhere,and it is the custom now in many parts of the country to keep it floating over the schoolhouses whenever school is in session.The American flag has thirteen horizontal stripes,seven red and six white.In the upper corner,next the staff,is a blue square filled with white stars.The thirteen stripes indicate the thirteen original states,and the stars show the number of states.When a new state is admitted,on the next Fourth of July a new star is added to the flag.

11.There are now fortyfive states in the Union.But no flag madebefore July 4,1896,should have more than fortyfour stars.Utah became a state January 4,1896.Every flag hoisted over a national fort or ship or building,on the third of July,1896,had fortyfour stars,showing the number of states on the Fourth of July,1895,but on the morning of the Fourth of July,1896,every such flag should have had fortyfive stars.

12.How a Famous Song Was Written.During the second war with England,in 1814,a British expedition attempted to capture the city of Baltimore.In order to do that it was necessary first to reduce Fort McIIenry,and so the warships moved up near it and opened a heavy①fire of cannonballs,bombshells,aud rockets.

During the battle

a small party of Americans,carrying a flag of truce,went out to the British fleet in order to secure the release of an American citizen who had been taken prisoner.One of the party with the flag of truce was①Not long before the war of 1812an English officer named Congreve invented a rocket which,acting on the same principle as our wellknown skyrocket,could be thrown quite accurately at an enemy.It proved,however,to be a missile which looked more dangerous than it really was.The Congreve rocket was used by the British in many battles of the war of 1812.

Francis Scott Key.The business being finished,the Americans we r e d e t a i n e d o v e r n i g h t i n the fleet,far to the rear of the attack,in order that they might not be able to give information of what they had seen.The bombardment went on long after dark,and Mr.Key eagerly listened to the sound of the guns and watched the red rockets and the bursting bombs,being sure as long as the firing continued that the fort still held out.But late in the night the guns became silent.Did it mean that the attack had been repulsed?Or had the fort surrendered?Only the daylight would tell.Before dawn the anxious Americans were watching.The first faint light of day showed them the stars and stripes still floating over the ramparts of the fort.Then they knew that the attackTHE ORIGINAL “STARSPANGLED BANNER”

The flag of Fort McHenry,which Key saw “by the dawn‘s early light.”It will be noticed that this flag has fifteen stripes.The original plan was to add one stripe,as well as one star,with each new state.But in 1818it was seen that this would some day make the flag an absurdity,so the number of stripes was fixed at the original thirteen.

had failed and that the Americans were victorious.Mr.Key walked the deck in deep emotions of joy,and gave vent to his feelings in the verses of a patriotic song.These he scribbled on a scrap of paper which he found in his pocket.On reaching land he gave his song to a friend,and it was sung at a theater in Baltimore,the singer waving a flag as she sang.The audience were wild with enthusiasm.In a very short time the new song went all over the republic,and is now known and loved by all Americans.It is called “The StarSpangled Banner.”


This shows the harbor of Apia after the great storm.At the right is the shattered Trenton.In the foreground is a part of the German gunboat,the Eber,and in the distance is another,the Adler,lying overturned on the reef.

The StarSpangled Banner①

O SAY,can you see,by the dawn’s early,light,What so proudly we hailed at the twilight‘s last gleamingWhose broad stripes and bright stars,through the clouds of the fightO’er the ramparts we watched were so gallantly streaming !And the rocket‘s red glare,the bombs bursting in air,Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there O!say,does the starspangled banner yet waveO’er the land of the free,and the home of the brave?

On that shore dimly seen through the mists of the deep Where the foe‘s haughty host in dread silence reposes,What is that which the breeze,o’er the towering steep,As it fitfully blows,now conceals,now discloses?Now it catches the gleam of the morning‘s first beam,In full glory reflected now shines on the stream;’Tis the starspangled banner;O long may it wave O‘er the land of the free,and the home of the brave!

And Where is that band who so vauntingly swore That the havoc of war and the battle’s confusionA home and a country should leave us no more?