
第52章 法律在各州是怎样执行的(2)





How Laws Are Enforced in the States

1.The Governor.Just as there is a president of the United States,whose duty it is to see that the Constitution and the laws made by congress are obeyed,so each one of our fortyfive states has a governor .His duty is to see that the laws of the state are obeyed.He lives in the city which is called the capital of the state,and is usually a very busy man.However,the governor of a state does not have so many powers as the president of the United States.The governor is elected by the people for a term of office which varies from one year to four in different states.

2.Departments.The departments of the state administration are very nearly the same as those of the national administration.But there is this difference:the president appoints the heads of departments,and they are accustomed to hold regular meetings with him“cabinet meetings”at which they give advice about important matters.In the states the heads of departments are usually elected by the people,and they do not form the governor’s “cabinet”that is,they do not habitually hold meetings for the purpose of talking over public business,and are not supposed to be the governor‘s advisers.

3.The departments are not the same in all the states.There is usually a secretary of state,who keeps an exact record of all the laws made by the legislature,and who keeps other state documents,and does some other state business.But this officer of course has nothing to do with foreign nations,as has the federal secretary of state.

4.There is always a state treasurer,who keeps the money of the state and pays it out as the legislature may direct.Then,there is another officer called the “auditor,”whose duty is to examine bills against the state,and make sure that they are correct before they are paid.

5.The attorneygeneral is the state lawyer.He tells the governor and other state officers his opinion of the meaning of the laws which theyTHE CONNECTICUT STATE HOUSE AT HARTFORDThe state capitol at Hartford,finished in 1880,is of white marble,and cost about2,500,000.It is one of the most tasteful buildings of the kind in the Union.

are enforcing,so that they may avoid mistakes by having wrong notions.Then,if the state has a lawsuit,the attorneygeneral takes care of it for the state.

6.The states have no war or navy departments.Still,each state has an army of soldiers,usually called the national guard .The national guard consists of men who are busy about their own affairs most of the time,and drill only occasionallyonce a week,as a general thing.In the summer they sometimes spend a few days in camp.If there should be a riot which the police could not put down,or if an enemy should invade the state,the governor has the right to call out the national guard.They then give their whole time to military duty until the danger has passed away.

7.Some states have still other business,much of which is managed by groups of men,each group being known as a board .Thus there is often a state board of education,which has the oversight of the public schools,or of some of them.Sometimes,instead of a board of education,these duties are put in charge of one man,the superintendent of public instruction,and sometimes the board chooses a superintendent.Then,most of the states have normal schools,insane asylums,schools for the deaf and dumb,and prisons to which are sent persons who have broken the laws.These institutions are also usually managed by boards.The members of the boards are often appointed by the governor.

8.The LieutenantGovernor.It will be remembered that one of the officers of the United States is a vicepresident,who presides at the meetings of the senate,and who becomes president if that officer should die.Most of the states have also such an officer,the “lieutenantgovernor.”He presides over the state senate,and becomes governor in case of the death,or,sometimes,in case of the absence from the state,of the governor.The lieutenantgovernor is elected by the people,for the same term as the governor.The state of Maine,however,and several others,have no lieutenantgovernor.In these states the senate elects its own chairman.