
第1028章 The Voyage of the Dawn Treader(153)

“Why can’t one of your own people? Haven‘t you got any irls?”

“We dursen’t, we dursen‘t,” said all the Voices. “We’re notoing upstairs again.”

“In other words,” said Caspian, “you are asking this lady o face some danger which you daren‘t ask your own sisters nd daughters to face!”

“That’s right, that‘s right,” said all the Voices cheerfully. You couldn’t have said it better. Eh, you‘ve had some ducation, you have. Anyone can see that.““Well, of all the outrageous.” began Edmund, but Lucy terrupted.

“Would I have to go upstairs at night, or would it do in daylight?”

“Oh, daylight, daylight, to be sure,” said the Chief Voice. “Not at night. No one’s asking you to do that. Go upstairs in the dark? Ugh.”

“All right, then, I‘ll do it,” said Lucy. “No,” she said, turning to the others, “don’t try to stop me. Can‘t you see it’s no use? There are dozens of them there. We can‘t fight them. And the other way there is a chance.”

“But a magician!” said Caspian.

“I know,” said Lucy. “But he mayn’t be as bad as they make out. Don‘t you get the idea that these people are not very brave?”

“They’re certainly not very clever,” said Eustace.