
第1389章 The Silver Chair(242)

When she had done this, she could see and hear a good eal better. The noises she had been hearing turned out to e of two kinds: the rhythmical thump of several feet, and he music of four fiddles, three flutes, and a drum. She also ot her own position clear. She was looking out of a hole a steep bank which sloped down and reached the level bout fourteen feet below her. Everything was very white. lot of people were moving about. Then she gasped! The eople were trim little Fauns, and Dryads with leaf.crowned air floating behind them. For a second they looked as if hey were moving anyhow; then she saw that they were eally doing a dance.a dance with so many complicatedsteps and figures that it took you some time to understand it. Then it came over her like a thunderclap that the pale, blue light was really moonlight, and the white stuff on the ground was really snow. And of course! There were the stars staring in a black frosty sky overhead. And the tall black things behind the dancers were trees. They had not only got out into the upper world at last, but had come out in the heart of Narnia. Jill felt she could have fainted with delight; and the music.the wild music, intensely sweet and yet just the least bit eerie too, and full of good magic as the Witch‘s thrumming had been full of bad magic.made her feel it all the more.