
第1415章 The Silver Chair(268)

“Yes. I have come to bring you Home,” said Aslan. Then e opened his mouth wide and blew. But this time they had o sense of flying through the air: instead, it seemed that hey remained still, and the wild breath of Aslan blew away he ship and the dead King and the castle and the snow nd the winter sky. For all these things floated off into the r like wreaths of smoke, and suddenly they were standing a great brightness of mid.summer sunshine, on smooth urf, among mighty trees, and beside a fair, fresh stream. hen they saw that they were once more on the Mountain f Aslan, high up above and beyond the end of that world which Narnia lies. But the strange thing was that the neral music for King Caspian still went on, though no one ould tell where it came from. They were walking beside he stream and the Lion went before them: and he became o beautiful, and the music so despairing, that Jill did notknow which of them it was that filled her eyes with tears.