
第1521章 The Last Battle(98)

Though rather shaken by what they had seen, the whole arty now sat down again and went on with their talk. Jewel had little to tell them. While he was a prisoner e had spent nearly all his time tied up at the back of thestable, and had of course heard none of the enemies’ plans. He had been kicked (he‘d done some kicking back too) and beaten and threatened with death unless he would say that he believed it was Aslan who was brought out and shown to them by firelight every night. In fact he was going to be executed that very morning if he had not been rescued. He didn’t know what had happened to the Lamb.

The question they had to decide was whether they would go to Stable Hill again that night, show Puzzle to the Narnians and try to make them see how they had been tricked, or whether they should steal away eastward to meet the help which Roonwit the Centaur was bringing up from Cair Paravel and return against the Ape and his Calormenes in force.