
第1604章 The Last Battle(181)

This was a great advantage, because otherwise, now that there were no stars in the sky, everything would have been completely dark and you could have seen nothing. As it was, the crowd of stars behind them cast a fierce, white light over their shoulders. They could see mile upon mile of Narnian woods spread out before them, looking as if they were floodlit. Every bush and almost every blade of grass had its black shadow behind it. The edge of every leaf stood out so sharp that you’d think you could cut your finger on it.

On the grass before them lay their own shadows. But the great thing was Aslan‘s shadow. It streamed away to their left, enormous and very terrible. And all this was under a sky that would now be starless for ever.

The light from behind them (and a little to their right) as so strong that it lit up even the slopes of the Northern oors. Something was moving there. Enormous animals ere crawling and sliding down into Narnia: great dragons nd giant lizards and featherless birds with wings like bats’ ings. They disappeared into the woods and for a few inutes there was silence.