
第39章 The Magician‘s Nephew(39)

Polly looked puzzled.

“Don‘t you see?” said Digory. “No, do listen. Think of our tunnel under the slates at home. It isn’t a room in any of the houses. In a way, it isn‘t really part of any of the houses. But once you’re in the tunnel you can go along it and come into any of the houses in the row. Mightn‘t this wood be the same?.a place that isn’t in any of the worlds, but once you‘ve found that place you can get into them all.”

“Well, even if you can.” began Polly, but Digory went on as if he hadn’t heard her.

“And of course that explains everything,” he said. “That‘s why it is so quiet and sleepy here. Nothing ever happens here. Like at home. It’s in the houses that people talk, and do things, and have meals. Nothing goes on in the in. between places, behind the walls and above the ceilings and under the floor, or in our own tunnel. But when you come out of our tunnel you may find yourself in any house. I think we can get out of this place into jolly well anywhere! We don‘t need to jump back into the same pool we came up by. Or not just yet.”

“The Wood between the Worlds,” said Polly dreamily. “It sounds rather nice.”