
第391章 The Lion The Witch And The Wardrobe(171)

And into the interior they all rushed and for several minutes the whole of that dark, horrible, fusty old castle echoed with the opening of windows and with everyone’s voices crying out at once, “Don‘t forget the dungeons.Give us a hand with this door!.Here’s another little winding stair.Oh! I say. Here‘s a poor kangaroo. Call Aslan.Phew! How it smells in here.Look out for trap.doors.Up here! There are a whole lot more on the landing!” But the best of all was when Lucy came rushing upstairs shouting out,“Aslan! Aslan! I’ve found Mr Tumnus. Oh, do come quick.”

A moment later Lucy and the little Faun were holding each other by both hands and dancing round and round for joy. The little chap was none the worse for having been a statue and was of course very interested in all she had to tell him.