
第466章 The Horse And His Boy(56)

“My word!” said Bree, “if I wasn‘t a Talking Horse what a lovely kick in the face I could give you! I thought you were going to cut it, not pull it out. That’s what it feels like.”

But in spite of semi.darkness and cold fingers, all was done in the end: the big packs bound on the horses, the rope halters (which they were now wearing instead of bridles and reins) in the children‘s hands, and the journey began.

“Remember,” said Bree. “Keep together if we possibly can. If not, meet at the Tombs of the Ancient Kings, and whoever gets there first must wait for the others.”

“And remember,” said Shasta. “Don’t you two Horses forget yourselves and start talking, whatever happens.”

Shasta Falls In With The Narnians