
第513章 The Horse And His Boy(103)

He was just going to run for it when suddenly, between him and the desert, a huge animal bounded into view. As the moon was behind it, it looked quite black, and Shasta did not know what it was, except that it had a very big, shaggy head and went on four legs. It did not seem to have noticed Shasta, for it suddenly stopped, turned its head towards the desert and let out a roar which re.echoed through the Tombs and seemed to shake the sand under Shasta‘s feet. The cries of the other creatures suddenly stoppd and he thought he could hear feet scampering away. Then the great beast turned to examine Shasta.

“It’s a lion, I know it‘s a lion,” thought Shasta. “I’m done. I wonder will it hurt much. I wish it was over. I wonder does anything happen to people after they‘re dead. O.o.oh! Here it comes!” And he shut his eyes and his teeth tight.

But instead of teeth and claws he only felt something warm lying down at his feet. And when he opened his eyes he said, “Why, it’s not nearly as big as I thought! It‘s only half the size. No, it isn’t even quarter the size. I do declare it‘s only the cat!! I must have dreamed all that about its being as big as a horse.”