
第611章 The Horse And His Boy(201)

“Now, Stranger,” said Duffle, “I‘ll show you the lie of the land. You can see nearly all South Narnia from here, and we’re rather proud of the view. Right away on your left, beyond those near hills, you can just see the Western Mountains. And that round hill away on your right is called the Hill of the Stone Table. Just beyond.”

But at that moment he was interrupted by a snore from Shasta who, what with his night‘s journey and his excellent breakfast, had fallen fast asleep. The kindly Dwarfs, as soon as they noticed this, began making signs to each other not to wake him, and indeed did so much whispering and nodding and getting up and tiptoeing away that they certainly would have waked him if he had been less tired.

He slept pretty well nearly all day but woke up in time for supper. The beds in that house were all too small for him but they made him a fine bed of heather on the floor, and he never stirred nor dreamed all night. Next morning theyhad just finished breakfast when they heard a shrill, excitingsound from outside.

“Trumpets!” said all the Dwarfs, as they and Shasta all came running out.