
第837章 Prince Caspian(198)

“Crows and crockery!” muttered the Dwarf as soon as he had done so. “What are they? Huge people.beautiful people.like gods and goddesses and giants. Hundreds and thousands of them, closing in behind us. What are they?”

“It’s the Dr yads and Hamadryads and Silvans,” saidTrufflehunter. “Aslan has waked them.”

“Humph!” said the Dwarf. “That‘ll be very useful if the enemy try any treachery. But it won’t help the High King very much if Miraz proves handier with his sword.”

The Badger said nothing, for now Peter and Miraz were entering the lists from opposite ends, both on foot, both in chain shirts, with helmets and shields. They advancedtill they were close together. Both bowed and seemed to speak,, but it was impossible to hear what they said. Next moment, the two swords flashed in the sunlight. For a second the clash could be heard but it was immediately drowned because both armies began shouting like crowds at a football match.