
第957章 The Voyage of the Dawn Treader(82)

This soon brought him out of the wood. The ground egan sloping steeply up in front of him. The grass was dry nd slippery but manageable if he used his hands as well as is feet, and though he panted and mopped his forehead good deal, he plugged away steadily. This showed, by the ay, that his new life, little as he suspected it, had already one him some good; the old Eustace, Harold and Alberta’s ustace, would have given up the climb after about ten inutes.

Slowly, and with several rests, he reached the ridge. Here e had expected to have a view into the heart of the island, ut the clouds had now come lower and nearer and a sea of og was rolling to meet him. He sat down and looked back. e was now so high that the bay looked small beneath im and miles of sea were visible. Then the fog from the ountains closed in all round him, thick but not cold, andhe lay down and turned this way and that to find the mostcomfortable position to enjoy himself.