
第30章 人类的脊梁Concentrate on Courage

[美]塞隆.迪蒙/Theron Dumont




勇气是什么?它是想去完成某事的意志,它可以使人们将所有的精力集中到如何获得成功上来,而不再胆怯。充满勇气的人会沿着正确的道路前进,可以把精力集 中到手头的工作上。它能够让我们在做事时更认真、更仔细,目的性也更强。一旦做到这一点,你就能拥有获得成功的力量。



Courage is the backbone of man.The man with courage has persistence.He states what he believes and puts it into execution.The courageous man has confidence.He draws to himself all the moral qualities and mental forces which go to make up a strong man.Whereas,the man without courage draws to himself all the qualities of a weak man,vacillation,doubt,hesitancy,and unsteadiness of purpose.You can therefore see the value of concentration on courage.It is a most vital element of success.

The lack of courage creates financial,as well as mental and moral difficulties.When a new problem comes,instead of looking upon it as something to be achieved,the man or woman without courage looks for reasons why it cannot be done and failure is naturally the almost inevitable result.This is a subject well worthy of your study.Look upon everything within your power as a possibility instead of as merely a probability and you will accomplish a great deal more,because by considering a thing as impossible,you immediately draw to yourself all the elements that contribute to failure.Lack of courage destroys your confidence in yourself.It destroys that forceful,resolute attitude so important to success.

The man without courage unconsciously draws to himself all that is contemptible,weakening,demoralizing and destructive.He then blames his luck when he does not secure the things he weakly desires.We must first have the courage to strongly desire something.A desire to be fulfilled must be backed by the strength of all our mental forces.Such a desire has enough commanding force to change all unfavorable conditions.The man with courage commands,whether he is on the battlefield or in business life.

What is courage?It is the will to do.It takes no more energy to be courageous than to be cowardly.It is a matter of the right training in the right way.Courage concentrates the mental forces on the task at hand.It then directs them thoughtfully,steadily,deliberately,while attracting all the forces of success,toward the desired end

.As we are creatures of habits,we should avoid persons that lack courage.They are easy to discover because of their habits of fear in attacking new problems.

If any fear-thoughts come to you cast them off as you would the deadly viper.Form the habit of never thinking of anything unfavorable to yourself or anyone else.Remember,you as master of your mind control its every thought,and here is a good one to often affirm,“I have courage because I desire it;because I need it;because I use it and because I refuse to become such a weakling as cowardice produces.”