
第18章 (2)

But she was interrupted by a visitor. It was the editor and proprietorproprietor n.所有者, 经营者 of the SAGAMORE. He had happened into Lakeside to pay a dutycall upon an obscure grandmother of his who was nearing the end of her pilgrimagepilgrimage n.朝圣 vi.朝拜, 朝圣, and with the idea of combining business with grief he had looked up the Fosters, who had been so absorbed in other things for the past four years that they neglected to pay up their subscriptionsubscription n.捐献, 订金, 订阅, 签署, 同意, [医]下标处方。 Six dollars due. No visitor could have been more welcome. He would know all about Uncle Tilbury and what his chances might be getting to be, cemeterywards. They could, of course, ask no questions, for that would squelch the bequest, but they could nibble around on the edge of the subject and hope for results. The scheme did not work. The obtuse editor did not know he was being nibbled at, but at last, chance accomplished what art had failed in. In illustration of something under discussion which required the help of metaphormetaphor n.[修辞]隐喻, 暗喻, 比喻说话, the editor said:“Land, its a tough as Tilbury Foster!—as we say.”


It was sudden, and it made the Fosters jump. The editor noticed, and said, apologetically:“No harm intended, I assure you. Its just a saying, just a joke, you know—nothing of it. Relation of yours?”


Sally crowded his burningburning adj.燃烧的, 强烈的, 极严重的 v.燃烧 eagerness down, and answered with all the indifference he could assume:“I—well, not that I know of, but weve heard of him.” The editor was thankful, and resumed his composurecomposure n.镇静, 沉着。 Sally added: “Is he—is he—well?”


“Is he well? Why, bless you hes in Sheol these five years!”


The Fosters were trembling with grief, though it felt like joy. Sally said, noncommittally and tentatively:“Ah, well, such is life, and none can escape—not even the rich are spared.”


The editor laughed.“If you are including Tilbury,” said he, “it dont apply. HE hadnt a cent, the town had to bury him.”


The Fosters sat petrified for two minutes, petrified and cold. Then, whitefaced and weakvoiced, Sally asked:“Is it true? Do you KNOW it to be true?”


“Well, I should say! I was one of the executors. He hadnt anything to leave but a wheelbarrowwheelbarrow n.独轮手推车, 手推车 vt.用于推车运送, and he left that to me. It hadnt any wheel, and wasnt any good. Still, it was something, and so, to square up, I scribbled off a sort of a little obituarial sendoff for him, but it got crowded out.”


The Fosters were not listening—their cup was full, it could contain no more. They sat with bowed heads, dead to all things but the ache at their hearts.


An hour later. Still they sat there, bowed, motionless, silent, the visitor long ago gone, they unaware.


Then they stirred, and lifted their heads wearily, and gazed at each other wistfully, dreamily, dazeddazed adj.头昏的, 眼花的, then presently began to twaddle to each other in a wandering and childish way. At intervals they lapsed into silences, leaving a sentence unfinished, seemingly either unaware of it or losing their way. Sometimes, when they woke out of these silences they had a dim and transient consciousness that something had happened to their minds; then with a dumb and yearning solicitudesolicitude 关怀, 热心 they would softly caress each others hands in mutual compassion and support, as if they would say: “I am near you, I will not forsake you, we will bear it together, somewhere there is release and forgetfulness, somewhere there is a grave and peace, be patient, it will not be long.”


They lived yet two years, in mental night, always brooding, steepedsteep adj.陡峭的, 险峻的, 急剧升降的, 不合理的 n.悬崖,峭壁, 浸渍, 浸渍液 v.浸, 泡, 沉浸 in vague regrets and melancholy dreams, never speaking; then release came to both on the same day.


Toward the end the darkness lifted from Sallys ruined mind for a moment, and he said:“Vast wealth, acquired by sudden and unwholesome means, is a snare. It did us no good, transienttransient adj.短暂的, 瞬时的 n.瞬时现象 were its feverish pleasures, yet for its sake we threw away our sweet and simple and happy life—let others take warning by us.”


He lay silent awhile, with closed eyes, then as the chill of death crept upward toward his heart, and consciousnessconsciousness n.意识, 知觉, 自觉, 觉悟, 个人思想 was fading from his brain, he muttered:“Money had brought him misery, and he took his revenge upon us, who had done him no harm. He had his desire: with base and cunningcunnig adj.狡猾的;奸诈的; 奸滑的 calculation he left us but thirty thousand, knowing we would try to increase it, and ruin our life and break our hearts. Without added expense he could have left us far above desire of increase, far above the temptationtemptation n.诱惑, 诱惑物 to speculate, and a kinder soul would have done it; but in him was no generous spirit, no pity, no—”
