
第112章 INDEX(4)

judicial inquiry, on May 30th incident, finding of, 298.

Jui Chen, Taotai, organized the conservancy work, 158.


Kadoorie, Sir Ellis, 196.

Kang Yi, visits Shanghai, 147.

Kang Yu-wei, reformer, 147.

Kay, Mr. W., one of the first members of Municipal Council, 37.

Keih-er-hangah, Manchu offcer, Governor of Kiangsu and commander of Imperialistsoldiers at the Battle of Muddy Flat, 27; detained at Barrier Gate by police, 38.

Kelly, Capt. of U.S.S “Plymouth” in charge of Americans at Battle of Muddy Flat, 28.

Kiangnan Arsenal, established by Tseng Kuo-fan and Li Hung-chang, 62.

Kmngwan, railway to, completed (1875), 104; exhibition of aviation at, 187; Golf Clubopened, 188; battle at, 202.

Kiangsu-Chekiang War, 287.

Kiangsu Chemical Works, 136.

kidnapping, 194.

Kidner, William, local architect modifies plans for the Cathedral, 81.

Kin Lien-shan, Manager of Telegraphs, his telegram to Emperor, 148.

King, Mr. D. O., one of the first Members of the Municipal Council, 37 。

King George V., Coronation celebration, 185 ; Birthday, Trooping of the Colour (1927),313.

Kingsmill, Mr. Thomas, 86.

Ki-ying, Imperial commissioner, 10.

Kiukiang Road, first made, 18.

Ko-tau-hui, secret society, 125.

“Kowshing,” steamer sunk by Japanese, 128.

Kuan-ti-Miao, war god"s temple, 19.

Kung, Prince, originator of Chinese Dragon Flag, 61; his opinion of missionaries, 95.

Kung Moo-yun Taotai, in 1843, 12; and first Land Regulations, 17.

Kwang Hsu, Emperor, 145; abdication of, 148; death of (1908), 176.


labour, agitations, and unrest, 252.

Lagrene, Theodore M. M. J. de French commissioner, 11.

Laguerre, Admiral, and the rebels, 30.

Lamont, Mr. Thomas W., of the Consortium, 252.

land, value of, early days, 12; tax, 12; purchased for new Municipal Building andVolunteer Headquarters, 185.

Land Regulations, first, of 1845 , 17; of 1854 ; 35 ; Article X important, 36 ; revised in1866 and sanctioned in Peking (186 9), 68 ; of 188 1 approved by Ratepayers, 113; of1881 ratified in Peking (1898), 114; last revision in 1898, 114.

Land-renters, made responsible for and invested with control of revenue and expenditure,18; meeting (July, 1854), 35; committee on Roads and Jetties dissolved and MunicipalCouncil elected, 35; meeting held (October 1854), 37; and Municipal Council, 38.

Lanning, Mr. George, first Headmaster, Shanghai Public School, 121; death of, 251.

Lay, Mr. N. A., appointed by Chinese G.overnment Inspector-General of Customs, 34 ;dismissed from post of InspectorGeneral of Customs, 62.

Lay-Osborne Fleet, 60.

Lester, Mr. Henry, death of and Bequests, 315.

LEW, chief leader of the“Small Sword” rebels in Shanghai, 24.

Li Chiu-ping, who gave land for St. Luke"s 92.

Li Hung-chang, 52; and “EverVictorious Army,” 58 ; makes grant for memorials, 61;and Kiangnan Arsenal, 62; help form China Merchants S. N. Co., 101; and WoosungRailway, 104; invited to take part in ceremony of turning on the water the first time,111; and Boxer uprising, 152.

Li Yuan-hung, General, 189; suppresses rebellion at Wuchang, 199; his governmentoverthrown, 272.

Liang Cheng, educational reformer, 174.

Liang Tun-yen, educational reformer, 174.

Library, Royal Asiatic Society, 86 ; Shanghai, dates back to 184 9, 86 ; Shanghai, annualgrant given by Municipal Council, 86.

likin, tax paid at Customs barriers by commodities in transit, 156; proposed abolition of,156.

Lindsay, Hugh Hamilton, 4; report, 5.

Ling Taotai, 18.

Little, R. W., and street lighting, 112.

Little, Mrs. Archibald, founder of Anti-footbinding Society, 131.

Little, R. W., Editor, N.-C.Daily News, 204.

living, increased cost of, 241.

Lo, Bishop of the Roman Catholic Church (1685), 231.

Loan, Four-Nation, 183; Sextuple Group, 198.

Lockhart, Dr., in charge of Shantung Road Hospital, 26; attacked at Tsingpu, 23;Mrs., sister of Sir Harry Parkes and first Western lady to land in Shanghai, 89.

Lu Chung-yu, 238.

Lunghua Pagoda, 3.

Lyceum Theatre, 85.


machinery, imported, 135.

mail gun, the last, fired (July, 1914), 207.

Majestic Hotel, 284.

Maloo, Ta, great horse road, 224.

Manchu Dynasty, threatened overthrow by Taipings, 43; overthrown (1911), 187.

March, Colonel, 49.

Margary Memorial, 108.

Margary, Mr. A. P., assassinated, 109.

Martin, Dr. W. A. P., 90.

Mason, an Englishman who tried to start rebellion in 1891, 126.

Masonry, the Northern Lodge established (1849), 86; the Sussex Lodge (1863), 86.

Matheson, Mr. George, Hon. Sec., Ricsha Coolies‘ Mission, 197.

May 30th incident, 296.

Mayhew, Miss E. H., Headmistress of Thomas Hanbury School, 121.

Mcgowan, Dr., 92.

Medhurst, W. H., Interpreter, 12; Dr. W. H. attacked at Tsingpu (1848), 23; one of thefirst members of the Municipal Council, 37; Dr. W. H., conducts first Public Worship,80; member Of Municipal Council (1854–1855), 90; W. H., son of Dr. Medhurst, andBritish Consul, opposes Shanghai being made a free city, 65 ; in riot of 1874 , 98; andPolytechnic Institut, 120.

“Medusa,” Consul Balfour"s ship, 12.

Memorial Cross in British Consulate grounds, 45.

Memorial Hall at Sungkiang to General Ward, 57.

Merrill, Mr. H. F., commissioner of Customs, 159.

Meteorological Observatory, at Siccawei, 89.

“Mih-ho-loong” Hook and Ladder company, Fire Brigade, 70.

mills, cotton, 133 ; number of cotton and weaving, in Shanghai at present time, 134 ;Flour, 131; Fou Foong Flour (1899), 135; cotton, increase in, 244.

Missionary Conference of 1907, 183.

Missionaries, Jesuit, 20; unpopularity of, 95; attack on, 96.

Missions, Roman Catholic, 88; work of, in early days, 90; Building, new, 283.

Mixed Court, established (1864 ), 67 ; first court held in outbuilding in British Consulate,67; procedure amended (1869) , 67; friction with French Concession, 162; ProvisionalRules of 1902, 162; Riot, 167 ; dispute about procedure, 169; reorganization, 193;rendition of, 303.

Montauban, General De, uses influence to restore church to Roman Catholic Fathers,89.

Montgomerie, Lt.-col., 7.