
第5章 老外最感兴趣的广州历史文化(2)

With long history and splendid culture, Guangzhou is famous for many excellent traditional crafts, of which Ivory carving, Jade Carving, Wood carving, Guangdong enamel and embroidery are the most representative .


Lvory carving 牙雕

The origin of ivory carving can be traced back to more than 2,000 years in the Jin Dynasty. Guangzhou’s ivory carving techniques feature motifs depicting people, birds, beasts and flowers and carved ivory ornaments are common in the study of the literati.


Traditional ivory products include ivory balls, slabs and vases with ivory balls being the most sought-after in the genre. Technically Guangzhou ivory carving falls into two categories: round carving and hollowed carving. Round ivory carvings are mostly solid handiworks featuring patterns of people, animals and natural landscapes whereas hollow ivory carvings are primarily ivory vases, miniature floral towers, crab cages and ivory balls.


Jade carving 玉雕

The origin of Guangzhou jade carving can be traced back to the middle and late Tang Dynasties dating to more than 1,000 years ago. Guangzhou jade carving is noted for its special “color retaining” technique, which helps retain the natural color of raw jade and improve the exquisite appearance of the jade.


Jade carving falls into two categories: jade jewelry and jade ornaments. Jade jewelry pieces are typically made of precious Burmese emerald jade and fall into three categories: sleek individual pieces, floral individual pieces and brackets. Jade ornaments mostly depict people, flowers, birds or beasts or are shaped into bottles, balls, boats, pagodas, or incense burners. The most exquisite form of jade carving is jade balls with ingeniously carved small balls. Each one is placed inside larger ones and each of which has uniform thickness, can move freely and features patterns of natural landscapes, flowers, people, fish, birds and beasts. The most exquisite jade ball has 20 layers, forming an integral system.

玉雕主要分为首饰类和摆设类两种。玉雕饰品一般由缅甸翡翠制成,具体又可以分为圆润平滑的玉雕饰品、花卉植物类的玉雕饰品以及玉镯三类。 玉雕装饰品主要包括花卉、人物、鸟兽、瓶罐,以及独具风格的玉球、花舫、宝塔、薰炉等高级工艺品。广州玉雕摆设类的玉球尤有特色,能镂空成十几层的圆球,大球套小球,厚薄均匀,层层自由转动,并雕上山水、花卉、人物、鱼虫、花鸟等精细的衬花,形象极其逼真生动。目前,最精致的玉球已雕至20层,形成一组球雕系统。

Most local jade shops are located on Daxin Road, Wende Road, Changshou Road, Wenchang Road, Daihe Road...all doing a booming business.


Wood carving 木雕

Wood carving, a traditional folk technique in Guangzhou, is famous for its exquisite elegance. Wood carving falls into two categories: architectural ornaments and furniture carving. Architectural ornaments are mostly made of camphor wood and used on hallways, doors, windows, screens and tables. The columns, beams, doors, windows and screens in the Qing-Dynasty Chen Clan’s Temple (Guangzhou Folk Art Museum) epitomize the rich varieties and features of Guangzhou’s wood carving technique.

广州木雕是广州“三雕”之一,素以精细、繁复、华丽而闻名。其制成品主要包括广式建筑装饰木雕和家具木雕两大类。建筑装饰木雕,主要用樟木、柚木等为材料,雕镂建筑装饰用的花衽板、花栏、屏风门、龛罩、脚门、花窗等等。今广州荔湾区的陈家祠(即广州民间艺术博物)的建筑装饰木雕,是清代广州木雕艺术的集中反映。 陈家祠中,以木雕来装饰的梁架构件有斗拱、梁枋、柁橔、雀替。其中以首进头门梁架间的木雕装饰最为繁褥华丽。

The most sought-after forms of carved furniture are rosewood furniture and wooden cases. Rosewood furniture is a combination of China’s traditional carving technique and advanced wood structural techniques, featuring ancient appearance, exquisite patterns, sturdiness, and durability constituting a highly prized artistic object for Eastern halls.


Guangdong enamel 广彩

Also known as Guangzhou Golden Colored Enamel, it has a history of more than 300 years. It is a typically Eastern technique whereby enamels are painted onto the whole surface of copper, ceramics and other earthenware pieces. Once the painting is completed, the pieces were heated to bond the enamel firmly to the surface of the object creating a colorful piece that exudes color and liveliness.


Each enamel piece goes through seven steps: line drawing, color filling, gold painting, green filling, coloring, mouth gilding and firing. Guangdong enamel pieces usually depict people, flowers, birds, beasts, fish and natural landscapes and they are classified as artistic enamel, household ornamental enamel and craftwork enamel and are available in more than 500 varieties with over 2,000 floral patterns.


Guangdong embroidery 广绣

The origin of Chinese embroidery can be traced back to over 2,000 years of history. The Sichuan, Suzhou, Hunan and Guangdong schools of embroidery are the nation’s top four that contribute to the fame of this specialty. Guangdong embroidery (also known as Cantonese embroidery) is a generic term for folk techniques found in Guangzhou and neighboring Nanhai, Panyu and Shunde. “All birds paying homage to the phoenix” and the double-faced “Golden Fish” are typical of Guangdong Embroidery.
