
第35章 购物(1)

Lesson 41 寻找店家


Excuse me, do you know a book shop near here? 劳驾,您知道附近有一家书店吗?

Do you know how to get to the shop? 您知道怎样去那家店吗?

Could you tell me the way to the shop? 您能告诉我去那家店的路吗?

Could you show me the direction/location to the shop? 您能指给我那家店的方向/位置吗?

How long would it take me to go there by bike/ by car/on foot. 骑自行车/开车/步行到那家店要多久?

What kind of transportation should I use to go there? 我应该用何种交通工具去那里?

What do you think is the most convenient way to go there? 您认为去那里的最方便的方式是什么?

It’s about five minutes’ walk. 大约五分钟的步行路程。

It would take you about half an hour to go there by bike/ by car/on foot. 骑自行车/开车/步行到那里大约半个小时。

It would not take you long time. 不会花费你太长时间。

The shop is on your right/left hand. 商店就在你的右手/左手边。

Turn right/left at the third crossing. 在第三个拐角右拐/左拐。

The shop is beside/behind the post office. 商店在邮局的旁边/后面。

The shop is at the end of the street. You wouldn’t miss it. 商店在路的尽头,你不会错过的。

You will find the shop without difficulty. 你会毫不费力得找到那家店的。


Excuse me, could you do me a favor?


Yes, of course. What’s up?


I have to copy these materials for an important meeting. Do you know where the nearest copy shop is?


Yes, go down this street, turn right at the first corner, and you will find a book shop at your right hand.




Then cross the road, and the copy shop is opposite the book shop. You won’t miss it.


How long would it take me to get there?


It takes you about ten minutes.


All right. I get it. By the way, does it offer colour printing?


Yes, it does. And it brings about a striking effect.


That’s really wonderful.


So it is.


Thank you so much.


My pleasure.


正式用语 VS 非正式用语

中文 非正式场合聊天常用语 正式场合聊天常用语

你知道一个叫A的地方吗? Do you know a place called A? Do you know a place with the name of A?

你知道去A的路吗? Do you know the way to A? Would you mind showing me the way to A?

我第一次来这里。 I’m new here. It’s my first time to be here.

走路去太远了。 It’s too far to go there on foot. It’s so far that we cannot walk there.

去那里要多长时间? How much time does it take to get there? How long does it take to get there?

你们很容易找到那家店的。 You will find the shop easily. It’s easy for you to find the shop.

不管它在哪里,我都要找到它。 No matter where it is, I will find it. Wherever it is, I will find it.

它离这儿很远 It’s far from here. It’s a long way from here.

我在找个能住的地方。 I am looking for a place where I can stay. I am looking for a place at which I can stay.

我完全迷失方向了。 I didn’t know which way to go. I lost all sense of direction.

我自己找到了那家店。 I found the shop alone. I found the shop all by myself.

他帮助我们找到了那家店。 He helped us to find the shop. We found the shop with the help of him.

这家店是我的。 This shop is mine. This shop belongs to me.

商店周末不营业 Shops are closed at weekends. Shops are out of business at weekends.

商店在市中心。 The shop is in the center of the city. The shop is located in the center of the city.


1. location [l?u‘kein] n. 位置;地点;外景拍摄场地

【例句】Do you know the location of the school?


2. convenient [k?n’vi:nj?nt] adj. 方便的

【例句】It’s quite convenient for me to go to work.


3. difficulty [‘difik?lti] n. 困难,困境

【例句】I have some difficulties to get along with her.


4. opposite [’?p?zit;-sit] adj. 相反的;对面的;n. 对立面;反义词

prep. 在……的对面

【例句】My opinion is opposite to hers.


5. strike [straik] adj. 打击的;显著的,突出的,惊人的;罢工的 v. 打

【例句】He was struck by a heavy blow.




Land is the only thing in the world worth working for, worth fighting for, worth dying for. Because it’s the only thing that lasts.


Now I find myself in a world which for me is worse than death. A world in which there is no place for me.


You’re throwing away happiness with both hands. And reaching out for something that will never make you happy.


Home. I’ll go home. And I’ll think of some way to get him back. After all, tomorrow is another day.
