
第70章 职场应对(11)

Oh, you know our team got that project. I suggest we have a dinner party these days.

哦,咱们组拿下那个项目了, 我提议这些天我们开个晚餐派对。

I wonderif we can organize a dinner party for all the colleagues in our department.


Yup, they worked very hard these days. It’s time for relaxing.


That is a good idea. I love it. What time do you think is convenient?


Well, what about this Friday evening?


OK, I will inform everybody.


正式用语 VS 非正式用语

中文 非正式场合聊天常用语 正式场合聊天常用语

你的项目进行得怎么样了? How is your project going? How is your project proceeding?

我们要一起努力工作。 Let’s work together. We have to work together.

你们有什么问题吗? Any questions? Do you have any questions?

我不明白你说什么。 I don’t know what you said. I don’t understand what you said.

如果你有什么问题,随时问我。 Ask me anytime if you have any problems. If you have any problems, don’t hesitate to ask me.

差点忘了提醒你。 Nearly forgot to remind you. I almost forgot to remind you.

工作进行得怎么样了? How is the work going? How are things at work?

工作进行得很顺利。 That went well. Everything is on line.

你能搞定吗? Can you settle it? Can you deal with it?

我会想办法的。 I can figure it out. I’ll do something about it.

这个想法棒极了! Great idea! What a fabulous idea!

试试看。 Try and do it. Go for it.

你有什么建议吗? Any suggestions? Do you have any suggestions?

我保持中立。 I’m in the middle. I maintain a neutral position.


1. drinking [‘dri?ki?] n. 喝;喝酒

【例句】Every man likes to have a drink.


2. motivate [’m?uti,veit] vt. 给……动机;刺激;激发

【例句】I need to motivate myself to climb the mountain.


3. alternation [,?:lt?:‘nein] n. 交替;轮流;间隔

【例句】We need to have a kind of alternation activities.


4. convenient [k?n’vi:nj?nt] a. 合宜的;方便的;便利的

【例句】If it is convenient for you, you can bring it.


5. tentative [‘tent?tiv] a. 试验性的,尝试的;暂时性的

【例句】We have a tentative plan these days.



The more people have studied different methods of bringing up children the more they have come to the conclusion that what good mother and fathers instinctively feel like doing for their babies is the best after all.

——Benjamin Spock



Grown-ups never understand anything for themselves, and it is tiresome for children to be always and forever explaining things to them.

——Saint-Exupery, The Little Prince



The family ——that dear octopus from whose tentacles we never quite escape.

——Dodie Smith, Dear Octupus

家庭—— 一只亲切的大乌贼,我们永远也不可能完全挣脱他的触手。


A child’s learning is a function more of the characteristics of his classmates than those of the teacher.

——James S. Coleman



Cameras in classrooms are no substitute for greater authority by parents and teachers.

——Paul Weyrich



It is paradoxical that many educators and parents still differentiate between a time for learning and a time for play without seeing the vital connection between them.

——Leo Buscaglia



Lesson 79 代班


Can you cover for me? 请你帮我代班!

Could you do me a favor? 能帮我一个忙吗?

He is going to get a second opinion. 他还要去问其他人意见。

I’ll do my best. 我会尽力去做。

I’ll have to check my schedule. 我必须看看我的时间表。

I have five days vacation. 我有五天假期。

Let me know if you have any questions. 如果你有任何问题请让我知道。

Time to call it a day. 下班的时间到了。

Who will fill his position? 谁来补他的缺。

Can you cover my phone calls while I am gone this morning? 今天上午我不在时,可否请你代我接电话?

Are youfree tomorrow? 你明天有空吗?

Don’t count on him! 别指望他!

Let’s discuss it later! 回头再说吧!

We’ll find out shortly! 我们很快就知道了。

You are most understanding! 你真体贴!


Hi,Vicky. Are you free this morning?


Yup, what’s up?


Could you please cover for me for three hours this morning?




So kind of you!


But...can I know the reason if someone asks about you?


No problem.


So, what’s the matter of you?


I have to see the dentist.


Is it serious?


A bit. But it’s not a big deal. I just need a normal check.


Good luck.


Yes, I will need it. Thanks.




正式用语 VS 非正式用语

中文 非正式场合聊天常用语 正式场合聊天常用语

中文 非正式场合聊天常用语 正式场合聊天常用语

你正在做什么? What are you doing? What are you up to?

她刚打电话请病假。 She just called in sick. She called and needed a sick leave.

我能帮你什么嘛? May I help you? How can I help you?

让我看看我的日程安排。 Let me check my schedule. Let me look over my schedule.

我的时间很紧。 I’m extremely busy. I’m pressed for time.

现在我不能放下这个工作。 I can’t leave this job at the moment. I can’t stop doing this job at the moment.

你可以找我啊! You can ask me for help. You can count on me.

你怎么耽搁了? What’s up? What’s keeping you?

我已经尽了最大努力了。 I did all I could do. There is nothing more I can do.

今晚你加班嘛? Are you working late tonight? Are you working overtime tonight?

我有很多事要做。 I’m so busy. I’ve got so much to do.

打扰一下可以吗? Forgive me for interrupting? May I interrupt you?

我欠他的情。 I owe him. I have an obligation to him.

这个严重吗? Is it serious? Is it so fearful?


1. appointment [?‘p?intm?nt] n. (尤指正式的)约会;指定;任命

【例句】I have an appointment with him.


2. specific [spi’sifik] adj. 明确的;具体的

【例句】Our teacher always pointed out some specific sentences.


3. dentist [‘dentist] n. 牙医

【例句】He is the son of this old dentist.


4. serious [’si?ri?s] adj. 严重的;危急的;令人担心的

【例句】Is the wound serious?


5. understanding [,?nd?‘st?ndi?] n. 同情心,同感;融恰

【例句】Our teacher showed great love and understanding.



A good traveller is one who does not know where he is going to, and a perfect traveller does not know where he came from.

——Lin Yutang, The importance of Living



If you want to succeed you should strike out on new paths, rather than travel the worn paths of accepted success.

—— John D. Rockefeller