
第45章 Classification and functions of MSAs(5)

Generally speaking, if therefore does not co-occur with an MV or is placed clause-initial, it would not be taken as an MSA.In Example (129), the MSA therefore indicates inference and strengthens the liability conveyed by the MV should.This adverb has a high modal value like the MV should in the genre of LR.

Type 3: in some cases, the MSAs with indeterminate values may not have the same values as the MVs they co-occur with.For example, well in may well has the function of raising the low value of may as this MSA indicates confidence in the prediction conveyed by the MV may.

Generally speaking, it is reasonable to assert that value adaptation is an important function of MSAs in terms of modality supplementing. Balance between modal implicitness and explicitness

In communication, the implicit or explicit expression of attitudes or judgments is involved.In SFL, both MVs and MAs are implicit ways of indicating attitudes or judgments.However, it may be found that it is hard to classify the modal orientation of MSAs by means of implicitness vs.explicitness in some cases.It may be right that the MSAs in the category of probability & usuality add another level of implicitness to the MVs concerned.Consider the following:

(130)They certainly must get the job finished today or they’ll lose the contract.

In Example (130), the MV must co-occurs with the MSA certainly.Here, certainly is a high-valued implicit way of expressing probability while must is a high-valued implicit way of expressing command.Thus, MSAs in the category of probability & usuality co-occurring with MVs can give birth to a variety of modality with the same modal orientation.This is much related to the effects of genre and cognition on the use of modal devices.

However, it is hard to determine the implicitness or explicitness of the MSAs in the categories other than that of probability and usuality.Consider the following:

(131)…the referral procedure provided for in Article 9 should only be applied in exceptional cases…

(132)In particular you should note…

In Example (131), the MSA only is an MSA of limitation.In comparison, in Example (132), the MSA in particular is an MSA of clarification.The MSA only limits the scope of legal regulation application in Example (131), while the MSA in particular qualifies the validity of the proposition by ordering or commanding the target addressee(s)in Example (132).Given such a feature of genre, cognition, pragmatics and evaluation, it is hard to place these MSAs in the category of implicit modal orientation.

It is assumed that the use of MSAs can strike a balance between modal implicitness and explicitness.For those MSAs in the categories of confidence, clarification and evidence, it is suggested that they be regarded as explicit in modal orientation.The reasons are listed as follows:

A.These MSAs can embody the function of overt social interactions.The relevant social dimensions indicated are speech acts and social identity (e.g.relationships, group identity, and rank on a scale of authority).For instance, politically as an MSA can be regarded as a means of speech act, indicating “I am telling this from the angle of politics”; people could also consider it a device of evidentiality, illustrating the source of information or the ground on which attitude is anchored.The same situation happens with broadly speaking.Hopefully is related to sympathy or affect.In Aijmer (2002: 14-15), such modal adjuncts (e.g.frankly)are referred to as discourse markers that are imbued with social-cultural indexical functions.

B.They may show how the writer or speaker presents the importance of the topic concerned to the reader or hearer.In another word, they have much to do with topicality.These MSAs frequently occur clause-initial.Watts (1989a: 601-620)holds that adverbs occurring clause-initial can serve metapragmatic functions in that they serve to guide the addressee’s reaction to what is about to be said.Virtanen (1992a, 1992c)points out that clause-initial adverbs are textually interesting since they contain the theme of the clause, associated with a large number of specific functions, e.g.to introduce topics, sub-topics or referents, to relate what is said to the preceding context, to mark a change of posture, and to be innovative or restrict the perspective from which an event is viewed.

C.They are related to the orientations of information or message in many cases.The MSAs occurring clause-initial are attention-getters, and typically announce a new point in the discussion, a new topic or item on a list.Those MSAs occurring clause-medial or clause-final signal a reaction, and may be followed by an explanation, elaboration, or justification.

D.They may have the framing functions in terms of cognition.According to Ensink & Sauer (2003: 2), frame is a term in architecture, giving to an object its place in space and separates it at the same time from its environment.Thus, the term “frame” is, when applied to discourse, a metaphorical one.Zhu (2005)studies the similarities and differences of frame in conveying perspectives between cognitive linguistics and SFL, and endorses the dynamic nature of frame in discourse.The MSAs in the categories of confidence, clarification and evidence may have the following framing functions: (a)marking transitions (e.g.topic shifts, introducing a new aspect of the topic, opening and closing speech or writing), such as in fact and in particular; (b)introducing an explanation, justification, or background, such as on a de facto basis; (c)confidence on something that has been mentioned before, such as of course.

E.They could have the qualifying function in indicating agreement or disagreement (e.g.truly), response to a question (or a request).