
第60章 Lexicogrammatical realization of interpersonal(8)

In Example (207), the MSA easily is related to confidence, and focuses on the idea of possibility (i.e., information).Combined with the MV may, the MSA conveys prediction based on some evidence, like Example (206).The stance is confidence in the occurrence of something good.

Some MSAs can act as evidentials, such as apparently, evidently, clearly and obviously.Consider the following:

(208)I certainly did not think this meant that it must inevitably mean welcoming the lowering of academic standards.

(209)Moreover, its extent must obviously increase with the reactivity of the aromatic substrate.

In Example (208), the MSA inevitably is at once judgmental and evidential.Combined with the MV must, this MSA additionally reinforces the speaker’s confidence in the truth of what he is saying.The stance in this example is strong confidence in an occurrence.Similar situation happens to Example (209).

Some other MSAs can act as downtoners (e.g.only, simply and just)or uptoners (e.g.greatly, undoubtedly, and probably).Consider the following:

(210)Now I may just talk to him for a moment.

(211)You might probably have some other reason.I don’t know.

In Example (210), the MSA just “turns down the volume” of likelihood (i.e.modalization)or inclination (i.e.modulation)conveyed by the MV may.In this sense, the MSA becomes a downtoner.The stance in this example is cautious attitude over an occurrence.

In Example (211), the MSA probably “turns up the volume” of judgment (i.e.modalization)conveyed by the MV might.In this case, the MSA becomes an uptoner.The stance in this example is optimistic attitude over an occurrence.

There are situations where MSAs express conviction (e.g.admittedly, indeed, and of course), doubt (e.g.possibly, conceivably and presumably)or reality (e.g.actually, in fact and really).Consider the following:

(212)Personally speaking, I think they must be raving mad.

(213)Perhaps we could maintain our contacts.

(214)Actually, as you are aware, there should be no overdraft at all.

In Example (212), the MSA personally speaking functions as a modal adjunct of comment.This MSA further strengthens the high-valued judgment conveyed by the MV must.In this sense, the stance is strong belief in the judgment made.

In Example (213), the MSA perhaps expresses doubt, and retains the tentativeness revealed by the MV could.In this way, the stance is a lack of belief in an occurrence.

In Example (214), the MSA actually is related to reality.This MSA belongs to the category of confidence, and helps the speaker deliver his view expressed by the median-valued MV should.Hence, the stance is permission based on real-life restrictions.

In short, it can be found that the types of MSA that are used are motivated from the perspective of situational needs.Hoye (1997: 205)raises a question whether adverbs used in this way should be taken as modal particles.Wierzbicka (1991: 345-370)states that such adverbs may be regarded as modal particles in that they are almost conventionalized in use.It is assumed here that the use of MSAs for stance is motivated by contextual factors rather than conventionalized only. Single-type and multi-type modality supplementing

In some situations the MV and MSA involved are in the same modal area, whereas in other situations they are in different modal areas.The former case is referred to as single-type modality supplementing, while the latter case multi-type modality supplementing.The use of these two types of modality supplementing is motivated.

In SFL, modalization is related to information (i.e.probability and usuality)while modulation goods and services (i.e.obligation and inclination).Hence, in modality supplementing, when both the MV and MSA are about modalization, or modulation, they form single-type modality supplementing.Consider the following:

(215)The speaker may in other words force the hearer to venture into the forest, possibly never to come out of it again.

(216)As the examples would demonstrate, a path is not usually expressed directly.

In Example (215), the MV may expresses possibility, so do the MSAs possibly and never.Thus, the concept of probability is repeated in this example.The stance resulting from the modal synergy in this example is a clear statement of prediction in terms of possibility.

In Example (216), both the MV would and MSA usually indicate usuality.In this way, the concept of usuality is repeated.The stance in this example is a judgment of tendency.

Such a situation appears because of communicative needs, the addresser’s conceptualization, and even generic needs (or for the sake of tenor).Single-type modality supplementing reinforces the modal area the MV is concerned with.

When the MV and MSA are involved in different modal areas, they form multi-type modality supplementing.Thus, the MV may be about modalization, but the MSA is related to modulation, and vice versa.Consider the following:

(217)They could come here, necessarily for more help.

(218)…whereas a satisfactory level of information on the trading of goods between Member States should thus be ensured by means other than those involving…

In Example (217), the MV could signals possibility, while the MSA necessarily obligation.It is easy to find that the addresser first judges the probability of their coming, and then adds his/her own view on the necessity of their doing so.In this way, the addresser’s cognition is related to two aspects.The stance in this example is prediction based on inclination.