
第65章 Empirical studies on MSAs(1)

Chapter 5 studies the lexicogrammatical realization of interpersonal meanings by means of MSAs.The interpersonal meanings of MSAs can be approached from three perspectives, i.e.value, stance, and social distance.For each interpersonal meaning, the specific lexicogrammatical realization is shown.

This chapter will explore the generic features of MSAs in PS, JI, AW and LR.The sizes of the corpora are mentioned in Chapter 1.The following 9 issues will be studied: (1)directions of value adaptation; (2)clausal positions of MSAs functioning as comment adjuncts; (3)distributions of multiple-leveled modality; (4)distributions of long-distance MSAs; (5)overt inter-participant MSAs; (6)attractions between central MVs and MSAs; (7)occurrences of MSAs in types; (8)occurrences of MSAs in modal categories; (9)genre-affected pattern-like MSAs.

The reasons for studying these nine aspects go as follows:

A.Directions of value adaptation can illustrate how the interpersonal meaning of value is conveyed in different types of text, and the empirical result can be used for the explanation of the roles of contextual factors.

B.Clausal positions of MSAs functioning as comment adjuncts, distributions of multiple-leveled modality, distributions of long-distance MSAs, and overt inter-participant MSAs can demonstrate how the interpersonal meaning of stance is conveyed in different types of text.Similarly, contextual factors play an important role in these respects.

C.Attractions between central MVs and MSAs, occurrences of MSAs in types, and occurrences of MSAs in modal categories can reveal how the interpersonal meanings of stance and social distance are realized in different types of text.

D.Genre-affected pattern-like MSAs can demonstrate how the interpersonal meaning of social distance interacts with genre.

It could be found that these empirical studies serve to prove that MSAs play the roles of modality supplementing in discourse in many ways.In another word, the empirical studies aim at highlighting the interpersonal function of MSAs, an area that has little been studied before.

A teaching experiment will be conducted.It is a piece of writing on an argumentative topic.The purpose of implementing the experiment is to show the importance of MSAs in argumentative topics where attitudes or judgments have to be taken into account.The experiment is designed to further prove the functions of MSAs.

6.1 Directions of value adaptation

This part will present corpora findings about the directions of value adaptation concerning MSAs.Then, some specific examples will be given for illustrations.Chapter 5 indicates two directions of value adaptation, namely, emphasizing and compromising.

It is found that there is a balance between emphasizing and compromising in terms of the value adaptation of MSAs in PS, JI and AW, but emphasizing dominates in LR.The result is shown in Table 6.1.

The findings shown in Table 6.1 are significant in two aspects.

First, there is a balance between emphasizing and compromising in terms of value adaptation in PS (52.38% vs.47.62%), JI (48.84% vs.51.16%)and AW (52.63% vs.47.37%).This shows that the discourse participants in these three genres are cautious about striking a balance in emphasizing certain views and seeking others’ opinion.Emphasizing the modal values of MVs indicate their insistence on certain views, whereas compromising the modal values of MVs is related to negotiations with others.The balance between emphasizing and promising is favorable for the addresser and addressee not to impose their views on each other.Chapter 3 mentions that PS is a genre in which the addresser takes much care of the addressee’s needs (the addressee being imagined-cum-real).AW is a genre where the writer has to construct multiple identities given the dialogues between different roles.JI is a genre with face-to-face communication, where the interviewer and interviewee are careful about reaching agreements in many ways.

Second, there is a predominance of emphasizing (100%)in terms of value adaptation in LR.This means that the addressers in this genre seldom seek others’ opinions.As the MVs in LR are related to obligations, the MSAs that co-occur with them reinforce the obligations required.

In short, it is suitable to say that, by means of the directions of value adaptation of MSAs, the functions of such factors as cognition, pragmatics and evaluation are interwoven with the interpersonal meaning of value.The discourse participants are aware of construing their roles in communication by means of different patterns of value adaptation.In LR, the addresser realizes that he/she has an authoritative position and thus shows attitude or judgment in an extreme way, i.e.the addressee should abide by the law made based on strong liabilities.As an interpersonal meaning, value is shaped differently in LR as opposed to PS, JI and AW.

Next, six examples will be presented to illustrate the workings of value adaptation.Consider the following:

(237)There should always be someone who will give good constructive criticism, a truth teller.

(238)And he said that they would just be beating the crap out of him and would just keep going back and going back and going back.

(239)Even if they need to split it up, maybe they can fit you into the schedule.

(240)It took me a long time to grasp the fact that people can do work that’s as good as they can possibly do and still end in squalor and despair.

(241)Of course, one single person cannot locomote in more than one direction at the same time.