
第90章 Appendix 2 Data samples(2)

Very excited, very aware of the responsibilities.Her Majesty The Queen has asked me to form a new administration and I have accepted.It is, of course, the greatest honour that can come to any citizen in a democracy.(Cheering)I know full well the responsibilities that await me as I enter the door of No.10 and I’ll strive unceasingly to try to fulfil the trust and confidence that the British people have placed in me and the things in which I believe.And I would just like to remember some words of St.Francis of Assisi which I think are really just particularly apt at the moment.

3.Data samples of academic writings

(1)Interpreter performance can therefore provide valuable evidence of take-up, of the sense they make of others’ talk and how they respond to it.For the valuable insight that such data provide into the interactive processing of talk, interpreter-mediated exchanges must surely be of interest to conversation analysts.Indeed, one could generalize from this point and suggest that the true potential contribution of translation/interpreting studies to the analysis of text and discourse lies in the analysis of translator behaviouras externalized evidence of an actual user response and, simultaneously, as audience design.(Ian Mason: On mutual accessibility of contextual assumptions in dialogue interpreting)

(2)The recognition and interpretation of an ironical utterance by the readers will also be influenced by their expectations vis-à-vis a text producer.These expectations are likely to relate not only to the genre of a particular text, but also to the perceived political bias of a newspaper and the affiliations of a journalist.In order for an ironical meaning in a newspaper text to be recognized by the readers, it will thus normally have to be flagged up in some form or other, especially if the irony occurs in a newspaper or genre where it is not generally expected.(Elisabeth E.Refaie: ‘Our purebred ethnic compatriots’: irony in newspaper journalism)

(3)In principle, this allocation is conceptually separate from the issue of ownership, since one can imagine that all possible uses (including future ones)of assets are known and can be contracted for.Thus, one can conceptually analyse the allocation of use rights without involving the notion of ownership at all, as in complete contracting theories (e.g.agency theory).(Kirsten Foss and Nicolai Foss: Assets, Attributes and Ownership)

(4)One can easily check that this is always possible in a unique way.For each I in the first row starting from the smallest, r (i)is the ((31-2)(i)+ 1)th smallest entry of the second row that is not yet chosen…One can again easily check that this is always possible in a unique way and that this implies that (31-2)(i)in ó is equal to A + (i)in r.(Sylvie Corteel: Crossings and alignments of permutations)

4.Data samples of laws and regulations

(1)Whereas, given the equivalent protection resulting from the approximation of national laws, the Member States will no longer be able to inhibit the free movement between them of personal data on grounds relating to protection of the rights and freedoms of individuals, and in particular the right to privacy… (European Data: Privacy Law and Online Business)

(2)Whereas the new collection system to be introduced is to apply to all statistics relating to the trading of goods between Member States; whereas it must therefore be defined first in a general context involving new concepts, particularly as regards the scope, the party responsible… (Vat Acts 1998-1999)

(3)Initially not more than one year after the entry into force of this Regulation and thereafter periodically the Commission shall draw up a report examining the treatment accorded to Community undertakings… (Merger Control Law in the European Union)

(4)In no event shall we be liable to you for any direct or indirect or consequential loss, loss of profit, revenue or goodwill arising from your use of the Website or information on the Website.All terms implied by law are excluded.(E-Commerce: A Practical Guide to the Law)