
第70章 商务英语合同实例(54)












(a)买方业务经营,财产和资产(据买方所知,经买方允许当前或已经占有一定空间,其业务可能会对卖方造成极大不利负债的任何分租客或执照持有者的业务)(i) 遵照并在所有重大方面均符合、没有重大违反任何适用的联邦,州和地方法律、法规和规章,包括但不限于,综合环境响应补偿与资源保护和回收法,以及关于税收、产品责任、受控物质、产品注册、保护环境、有害或有毒废物、就业、职业安全事项的任何其他法律、法规或;及(ii)已经以某种方式经营,根据CERCLA、RCRA或任何其他法律、法规、规章或普通民事法律原则对于环境清理,买方没有可预见的潜在责任。(b)据其所知,买方现在或之前拥有的或经营的不动产前任所有权,以及前任经营者经营他的业务或经营此类财产都没有违反CERCLA、RCRA或任何与环保或有害有毒废物问题相关的其他联邦、州、国家和地方适用法律、法规和规章。(c) 除买方附于本协议的披露表,关于任何可能的违规行为,包括但不限于诊断测试与产品以及产品责任、环保、有害或有毒废物、受控物质、就业、职业安全或税务事宜相关事项,买方没有受到政府部门起诉、诉讼、索赔、调查或复审。买方不认为这些诉讼、索赔、调查、询问有合理依据或原由。

6. 其他


















Signing Date:_________.

Signing Place:_________.

Contract NO.:__________________.

This Contract is made between_________Company______Country, (hereinafter referred to as “Licensee”, and Company_______________Country, (hereinafter referred to as“Licensor”).

Whereas Licensor owns certain valuable registered trademarks;

Whereas Licensee hopes to utilize the trademark upon and in connection with the manufacture, sale and distribution of the Contract Products; Representatives authorized by both Parties, through friendly negotiation, agree to enter into this Contract under the terms as stipulated below.

Section 1 Definitions

1.1“Registered Trade”means the trademark which has been described in the Contract and has been registered by China Trademark Office in_______________. The registered number is_________.

1.2“Licensor”means_________Company_________Country, or the legal representative, or agency or the property successor of the Company.

1.3“Licensee”means China_______________, or the legal representative, or agency or the property successor of the Corporation.

1.4“The Contract Product”means the products stipulated in Appendix 2 to the Contract.

1.5“Net Selling Price”means the remaining sum after the selling commercial invoice price deducts the packing expense, transportation expense, insurance premium, commissions, commercial discounts, taxes and expense for bought out elements and parts, etc.

1.6“The Date of Effectiveness of the Contract”means the date of signing this Contract by both parties.

Section 2 Scope of the Contract

2.1 Upon the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth, Licensee agrees to obtain from Licensor, and Licensor agrees to grant Licensee the right to utilize the Registered Trademark solely and only upon and in connection with the manufacture, sale and distribution of the Contract Products. The name, model, specification and technical notices of the Contract Products are detailed in Appendix 2 to the Contract. The license and right are exclusive and untransferable. Licensor agrees that during the validity of this Contract, it will not authorize a third party to utilize the Registered Trademark upon and in connection with the manufacture, sale and distribution of the Contract Products in the same area specified in this Contract.

2.2 The license hereby granted extends only to_________. Licensee agrees that it will not make, or authorize, any use, direct or indirect, of the Registered Trademark in any other area, and that it will not knowingly sell the Contract Products covered by this Contract to persons who intend or are likely to resell them in any other area.

2.3 Licensor is responsible for providing Licensee with the documents related to the Registered Trademark, including the word, design, application for registration and registered number, etc., the specific documentation is detailed in Appendix 1 to the Contract.

2.4 Licensee agrees that it will cause to appear on or within each Contract Product sold by it under this Contract and on or within all advertising, promotion or display material bearing the Registered Trademark, notice copyright_________(company)_________(year) and any other notice desired by Licensor.

Section 3 Price of the Contract

3.1 Price of the Contract shall be calculated on Royalty in accordance with the content and scope stipulated in Section 2 to the Contract and currency shall be in US dollars.

3.2 Royalty under the Contract shall be paid from the