
第99章 商务英语合同术语

合同 contract

订约人,承包人 contractor

合同价格 contract price

合同争议 contractual dispute

撤销合同 cancellation of contract

合同副本 copies of the contract

合同违约 breach of contract

标书,招投标 bid

招投标人 bidder

要约 offer

要约人 offeror

要约的撤销 cancellation of offer

要约的效力 effect of offer

要约的消除 extinction of offer

反要约 counteroffer

交叉要约 cross offer

承诺 promise

承诺的延迟 delay of promise

承诺的撤回 withdraw of promise

缔约上的过失 culpa in contract

同意 consent

标的 object

标的物 objective thing

标的物的风险 burden of object risk

定义条款 definition clause

陈述与保证 representations and warranties

合同各方 parties to the contract

具体权利义务条款 operative clause

合同期限 term

合同期限的延展 extension

保密义务 confidentiality

索赔 claim

违约救济 remedies for breach of contract

责任限制 limitation on liability

不可抗力 Force Majeure

争议的解决 settlement of disputes

友好协商 friendly consultation

裁决的执行 enforcement of award

适用法律 applicable law

其他规定 miscellaneous provision

修改 amendment

通知 notice

弃权 waiver

可转让性 assignability

可分割性 severability

语言 language

签署 execution

价格 price

给付期 period of payment

合同的生效 validity of contract

合同履行地 place of performance of contract

合同的批准 ratification of contract

合同的终止 termination of contract

合同落空 failure of contract

合同废除 rescission of contract

单方解除 unilateral cancellation

合同的单方解除unilateral removal of contract

合同的法定解除 legal removal of contracts

合同的书面形式 written form of contract

口头合同 oral contract

要式合同 formal contract

非要式合同 informal contract

实践合同 real contract

诺成合同 consensual contract by promise

主合同 principle contract

附属合同 accessory contract

标准合同 standard contract

预约合同 preliminary agreement

利他合同 altruistic contract

瑕疵 defect

物之瑕疵 defect of things

权利之瑕疵 defect of right

提单 bill of lading

工程量清单 bill of quantity

人身伤害 bodily injury

违背,破坏 breach

破产 bankruptcy

水准基点 bench mark

裁决 adjudication

裁判员 adjudicator

裁决委员会 adjudication board

变更 alteration

法律变更的调整 adjustments for changes in legislation

应付金额 amount due

可适用的 applicable

预付款 advance payment

附录 appendix

仲裁 arbitration

授权代表 authorized representative

分配,指派 assignment

由于 attributable to

接受 acceptance

中标 acceptance of bid

代理 agency

审查,审计 audit

账户,账目 account

诉讼 action

上诉 appeal to

从某日起 on and after

某日之前,提前多少日 prior to

不损害某规定,某情况下 without prejudice to

因为 in consideration of

至于,在某方面 in respect of


即使 notwithstanding

商品价目表 price list of commodity

商品标价陈列 display of commodity price

商品分类表 class of goods

定金 deposit

违约金 liquidated damages

法定违约金 liquidated damages by law

约定违约金 liquidated damages by agreement

债权人 creditor

债务人 debtor

不当履行 misfeasance

抵消 setoff

合伙 partnership

合伙人 partner

合伙协议 partnership agreement

入伙 join partnership

退伙 withdrawal from partnership

法人 legal person

企业法人 legal body of enterprise

中外合资企业 Sino-foreign joint venture enterprise

中外合作企业 Sino-foreign contractual enterprise

承租人 lessee

租赁人 lessor

赠与人 donator

承运人 carrier

委托人 principal

代理人 agent

副本,抄本 transcript

卖主 vendor

停业 wind up a business

母公司 parent company

子公司 subsidiary

代位权 subrogation

买卖合同 sale contract

电、水、气、热力供应合同 contracts for supply of power, water, gas and heat

赠与合同 gift contract

借款合同 contract for loan of money

租赁合同 leasing contract

融资租赁合同 financial leasing contract

承揽合同 work-for-hire contract

建设工程合同 contract for construction projects

运输合同 carriage contract

技术合同 technology contract

保管合同 safe-keeping contract

仓储合同 warehousing contract

委托代理合同 agency appointment contract

委托合同 trading trust contract

行纪合同和居间合同 brokerage contract

劳动合同 labour contract

保密协议 confidentiality agreement

竟业禁止协议 non-compete agreement

人事代理协议 human agency agreement

遗赠抚养协议 legacy-support agreement

离婚协议 divorce agreement

收养协议 adoption agreement

商品房买卖合同 contract of sale for commodity house

土地使用权出让、出租、转让合同 contract for assignment, lease and transfer of the right to the use of land

抵押合同 mortgage contract

贷款合同 loan contract

物业管理合同 property management contract

建筑工程建设安装承包合同 construction engineering and installation contract

采购合同 purchase contract

运输合同 carriage / transportation / forwarding contract

进出口合同 import and export contract

补偿贸易合同 contract for compensation trade

供应合同 supply agreement

技术服务合同 technical service contract

技术咨询协议 technical consulting agreement

技术开发协议 technical development agreement

技术转让协议 technical transfer agreement

许可协议 licensing agreement

保险合同 insurance contract

委托付款协议 escrow agreement

保证金协议 deposit agreement

服务合同 service agreement

风险投资管理协议 venture capital management agreement

合伙协议partnership agreement

股权转让协议 share transfer agreement / Agreement on assignment of equity interests

和解协议 composition agreement

法律顾问协议 employment contract for legal consultant

合资企业合同 joint venture contract

公司设立备忘录 memorandum of incorporation


公司设立协议 articles for incorporation

公司设立章程 articles of association

意向书 letter of intent

意向性协议,框架性协议 heads of agreement

初步协议 preliminary agreement

加工合同 contract of processing

定做合同 work contract

农业承包经营合同 agriculture contracting contract

综合性承包合同 comprehensive contracting contract

企业承包经营合同 enterprise contracting management contract

抵押贷款合同 contract of mortgage loan

商品房贷款合同 marketable building loan contract

商业贷款合同 commercial loan contract

建设工程勘察设计合同 contract for prospecting and design of construction project

招标合同 inviting bids

供给服务合同 supplies service contract

委托合同 trust contract

航空货物运输保险 air transportation cargo insurance

联运合同 contract of through transportation