
第12章 He looks just like you


You can have mine

A lady inserted an‘ad’in the classifieds:“Husband wanted”.

Next day she received a hundred letters.

They all said the same thing:“You can have mine.”





He looks just like you

We brought our newborn son to the pediatrician for his first checkup. As he finished,the doctor told us,“You have a cute baby.” Smiling,I said,“I bet you say that to all new parents. ”“No,” he replied,“just to those whose babies really are good-looking. ”“So what do you say to the others?” I asked. “He looks just like you.”


我们带着刚出生的儿子到儿科医生那里去做第一次健康检查。做完检查之后医生对我们说:“你们的孩子很好看。”我笑着说:“我想你对所有刚做爸爸妈妈的人都这么说。” 他回答说:“不,我只是对长得真的好看的孩子的父母才这么讲。”我问:“那你对其他人怎么说呢?”“他长的真像你。”

This is Lisa. Can I help you?

As customer-service reps,we hear a beep telling us a custome's on the line,and we're on. We repeat the same phrases so often that we can do the job in our sleep. One day a co-worker had heart surgery. In her anesthetized stupor following her operation,she heard the beep of the heart monitor and groggily said,“This is Lisa. Can I help you?”



Only when he's DRUNK

A man is driving with his wife,when he is pulled over by a policeman. “Sir,”says the cop.“You ,were going 60 in a 50.”“No,I wasn't.“Yes,you were,”says the wife.“Keep quiet!” says the man,angrily.“And you were't wearing a seat belt,”says the cop.“Yes,I was.”“No,you weren't,”says the wife.“SHUT UP!”says the man,really angry.“Ma'am,”asks the cop,“is he always rude and violent?”“Only when he's DRUNK.”




Insert [in5sE:t] n.插入,刊登

classified [5klAsifaid] v.(报纸、杂志的广告或广告版)分类的

pediatrician [7pi:diE5triFEn] n.小儿科医师

checkup [5tFekQp] n.检查,核对,体格检查

anesthetized [5Enes?i7taizd] v.使麻醉,使麻木

stupor [5stju:pE] n.恍惚,昏迷,惊愕

pull over 靠向路边

seat belt座椅安全带



Who do you want to speak with (talk to)?请问找哪位?

Nina,please. 尼娜。

Hold on,please.请等一下。

Oh,She is in the office of General Manager. Any message?哦,她现在总经理办公室。要留言吗?

No. I'll call later.不必了,我晚点再打来。

第一章 That record will stand forever


You didn't have that problem

“Your grandmother and I are going out to dinner,”I said to my teenage daughter,Lisa. “Do you want to join us?”“No way,” she answered grumpily. “I'm going to stay home and study.”That evening my mother asked if Lisa was feeling well. “She's okay,” I said,“just a little cranky.”“Intelligent children can be very temperamental,” my mother sighed. “I am lucky that you didn't have that problem.”



That record will stand forever

Back at my high school for the tenth reunion,I met my old coach. Walking through the gym,we came upon a plaque on which I was still listed as the record holder for the longest softball throw. Noticing my surprise,the coach said,“That record will stand forever.” I was about to make some modest disclaimer that records exist to be broken,when he added,“We stopped holding that event years ago.”



Pushed the wrong button

Flying through the Midwest in the summertime means one thing:turbulence. Just after a teenager girl had entered the bathroom,we hit a patch of very rough air. After the bumps had subsided,she exited the bathroom,a look of sheer terror etched on her face. “Are you all right?” 1 asked. “That turbulence was so bad.”“So that's what it was,” she said. “I thought I'd pushed the wrong button.”



The oldest thing in my house

My 12-year-old daughter asked me,“Mom,do you have a baby picture of yourself?I need it for a school project.” I gave her one without thinking to ask what the project was. A few days later I was in her classroom for a parent-teacher meeting when I noticed my face pinned to a mural the students had created. The title of their project was “The oldest thing in my house.”




cranky [5krANki] adj.古怪的

temperamental [7tempErE5mentl] adj.易激动的,喜怒无常的

coach [kEutF] n.教练,旅客车厢

gym [dVim] n.体育馆,健身房

plaque [plB:k] n.饰板,匾

softball [5sRftbC:l] n.垒球

disclaimer [dis5kleimE(r)] n.放弃;拒绝;不承诺

turbulence [5t\:bjJlEns] n.(空气、水等的)紊流,湍流;动乱,骚乱,波动

bump [bQmp] v.碰撞,猛撞

subside [sEb5said] v.下降,下陷,减弱,平息下来

parent-teacher meeting 家长会


想想你家里最老的东西是什么呢?是一张旧照片,一枚铜钱,还是老家后院里的那棵柿子树?你知道吗,现在还活着的,最古老的树可能要属于长在美国的狐尾松(foxtail pine)了,它们有的已经有4000多岁了呢。它们生长在美国西部的干燥高山上,因为松果上的鳞片长得像狐尾而得此名。