
第18章 尚未断奶的小狗

The man was in a hurry to board the airplane and didn't have time to do the paperwork to get his little doggie on board。So the man stashed the puppy down the front of his pants and snuck him on to the plane。About 30 minutes into the flight,a stewardess noticed that the man was squirming in his seat。

“Are you OK,Sir?”the stewardess asked。

“Yes,I'm fine。”said the man。

Time went by and again the stewardess noticed strange movements。

“Are you sure you're all right,sir?”

“Yes。”the man insisted,“But I have a confession to make。I didn't have time to do the paperwork to bring my puppy on board,so I hid him down the front of my pants。”

“I see。”the stewardess said,“Well,as long as he's housebroken,I guess it will be OK。”

“Oh,he's housebroken。”the man replied,“The problem is,he's not weaned yet!”









1.board v。上(船,车,飞机等)

The passengers boarded the plane at 9 a。m。(旅客们上午九时登上飞机。)

2.stash v。存放,贮藏

He stashed his life savings in an old suitcase。(他把一辈子的积蓄藏在一口旧箱子里。)

3.squirm v。蠕动,扭动,局促不安

He squirmed with embarrassment。(他因窘迫而坐立不安。)

4.confession n。承认,坦白,供认,供状

Has the thief made a confession yet?(窃贼招供了吗?)

5.housebroken adj。(猫、狗等)经训练在家中能保持卫生习惯的,管教得好的,顺从的

I am housebroken and quiet,loving and healthy。(我被管教得非常好,很安静,很可爱,很健康。)

6.wean v。使断奶

The boy was weaned at six months because his mother had to go to work。(这小男孩六个月就断奶了,因为他妈妈要上班。)

1.on board 在船(火车,飞机)上

I'll carry this suitcase on board as a hand luggage。(我将把这个提包作为手提行李带上飞机。)自我测验6:

1.Many young people find it harder to appreciatemusic than pop music。


2.If the wounded soldier had been given first,he would not have died。


3.Since he left the university,hein an accounting company。

A。has been workingB。had worked

C。had been workingD。was working

4.The weather in China is different from。

A。AmericaB。in America

C。that in AmericaD。one in America

5.It was not until dawntheir way out of the forest。

A。when they foundB。that they found

C。did they findD。that they didn't lind

6.he says or does won't make me change my mind at all。


7.We all believe that it'd be hard for him toextra responsibilities now。

A。take apartB。take upC。take onD。take back

8.He was very rude to the customs officer,of course made things even worse。

A。whoB。whom C。whatD。which
