
第36章 不随大流的小鸟

There once was a nonconformist bird that decided not to fly south for the winter。He said,“I've had enough of this flying south every winter,I'll just stay right here on this farm,what's the big deal,anyway?”

So he stayed。Winter came and was very cold,the nonconformist bird had never felt such cold weather and was afraid that he might freeze to death。Realizing he had made a big mistake by staying,he headed to a nearby barn for shelter。On his way to the barn it began to snow。The poor bird was cold,tired and hungry。“Why did I stay?”he asked himself as he collapsed on the ground。As he lay there covered by the snow,a cow happened by。The cow,feeling the need to relieve himself,crapped right on the bird。At first being angry the bird said,“Who did this horrible thing to me,how dare someone crap on me,I'll get him for this!”The crap was too heavy for him to free himself。But,after a while the crap began to warm him and he forgot all about his anger。In fact he was so warm that he began to sing。A buzzard passing overheard the singing and went down to investigate。As he cleared away the crap to his delight he found the bird。The bird was so happy to be free from the crap that he thanked the buzzard,who then decided to eat the little bird。



1.nonconformist adj。不墨守成规的,不顺从一般公认信念习惯的

Her nonconformist designs stressed simplicity and comfort。(她那不受约束的设计风格强调简单和舒适。)

2.freeze v。使……冻住,使……结冰

Sometimes I even want to freeze time and let my kids live in that moment forever。(有时我甚至想要把时间冻结,让我的孩子们永远停留在那一刻。)

3.barn n。谷仓,牲口棚

4.crap n。废话,废物,屎v。拉屎

5.buzzard n。秃鹰

1.be free from 没有……的,不受……影响的,免受,免于

A judge shall be free from prejudice。(法官应该不带偏见。)